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This Legend of LeGaia game is so soulful, I've only know Mei for 10 minutes but she's my wife now
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video games are for children dude shut the fuck up
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>>625784>Truly I say to you, unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. So whoever will humble himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven- Literally Jesus
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got a bottle of bourbon gives me something to play with later
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I wouldn't play these old JRPGs without a fast-forward button.
It took me like 10 minutes to FF auto-battle through what would have been like an hour of gameplay
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touch up on your social skills and maybe the ladies won't scream rape at the first sight of you
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>>625896Choosing the buddy samurai was the best choice they could've made, it's generated more than its fair share of publicity, and there is very few people who will refuse to buy it that would have otherwise [if it had a Japanese samurai]
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>Beloved game gets a remaster for modern audiences
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This was like 5AM, was actually was laughing at these goons typing out the lyrics
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>>626596the link is dead.
fix it gamers.
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>Watching evo pools on my work break
>Female co-worker comes over and says "Cool is that EVO? I love Tekken!"
Fucking whore
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What do they eat
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What do they eat
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Playing original RE4 (Gamecube) for the first time since I was a teenager
The game really still holds up, the PC port is just shit is all, especially trying to use mouse controls as much as I'd like them to be good they aren't. Looks and feels great like this though.
Got a save file to start on professional, I'm at the church, gonna just upgrade all the base weapons + TMP.
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ignore all base weapons only upgrade the tmp buy the glock and the auto shotgun as soon as you enter the castle carry the rpg until you get to fight one of shorty's personal guards buy the military rifle when it becomes available keep the magnum but don't upgrade it instead sell it when you find the improved magnum ditch your old shotgun for the striker and don't look up ashley's skirt
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Original Ashley sure had better ballistics, and by "balistics" haha well
lets just say her ears
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been playing star rail on my phone and been playing through hylics on pc.
And came back to wow for a little bit to help my brother's guild farm out mythic fyrakk mounts.
Also finished the lodoss metroidvania and thief gold recently.
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I launched a video game today after about 5 minutes existential crisis hit me like a tsunami so I turned it off does this mean I'm mature now where's my Mrs.?
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What did he mean by this?
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They got some sexy harlots in Zelda II oo yeah I'll come in and you restore my life wink wink
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Started up Ler3ddit again and made a lot of progress
This game would be hilariously slow without fast-forward.
The game itself is mechanically fine, it's a fairly "hard" JRPG, but oh my goodness everything is so slow-paced. The battles, cutscenes, transitions, loading, text boxes, etc.
The game could legitimately be played at 200% speed and you'd think it was normal.
Trying to decide what PS1 JRPG to play next, maybe Vagrant Story?
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>>627968You're right that the large majority of retro games suck and don't hold up today.
The N64 and Gamecube for example didn't have a large library of games, I think I've played every game worth playing, or at least that I want to.
I generally speaking don't like 2D games, especially sidescrollers. They're basically all the same game, you jump on enemies, you die, you insert another quarter, The Last of Us changed that.
So that rules out basically almost everything before N64/PS1.
Still, the PS1 and PS2 have and insane amount of games I think I want to play.
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the ow girl is a gamer with gamer reflexes
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Did you ever call one of those tip hotlines?
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Wtf I love AI now
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Found a magazine page for the cancelled Dreamcast Castlevania game
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>pass the controller bro
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>>628186What I thought you wanted a gamer gf?
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I don't eat pork.
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Alright now I'm drunk. Bought the minethrower because I've never done that before because literally who the fuck does
Put on Brand New because that's what I listened to last time I played this as a teenager
I got past the water hall section and novistadors some days ago
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This must be what American cops imagine when they see a terrier.
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They told this developer to make a spooky bedroom for this "idol promotion CD" and he really went all out, this room is definitely spooky.
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Noa is the girl, she was raised by a wolf so she doesn't know much about the world.
She doesn't know guys like her small butt…
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Finished Legends of This is almost as funny as my lack of fine motor skillseddit, was fairly long, they didn't drag the end section out too much though.
There's not actually different endings, but there's a little choice after the final boss where you get a very slightly difference. There's no save before it so you'd have to fight the final boss again, so I bet few people did that.
I save stated and checked, you can choose a gf. One has no scene/interaction at all, just the other girl saying "btw I'm engaged to some random dude from the village" cuck ending, the true bad ending.
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Trying to pick a new PS1 jrpg from this list now, some are japan-only I wouldn't actually play unless they have a translation romhack.
Thinking about either Xenogears, Vagrant Story, or Grandia.
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>>628695Somehow it's become better for me. I think I've become more retarded so these Japanese skinner boxes actually entertain me.
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I wanted to doompost at first but instead I'll just say that it's the last stage which is acceptance
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>try to load monkey ball in Flycast
*American accent*
This is a game disc for Naomi CD ROM system, you cannot play this with the Dreamcast, the first track contains game data, so do not play this with a CD player
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>>628761Two things are probably happening here
For >=480 content it emulates the interlacing of a TV, which only shows 240 lines on any given frame for 480 content (swapping between even and odd).
So in a still screenshot, you get 240 scan lines, and stuff like the Dreamcast text on that disc isn't even readable because half the content is missing, but in motion it is readable and basically looks like 480. It looks much better than disabling interlace emulation, which would cause 480 scan lines to be drawn every frame which is too much, not accurate to how it would render on a TV, all those 6th-gen consoles had interlaced output.
In the case of PCSX2 which outputs raw interlaced frames, it also allows you to view content without their shitty deinterlacing methods or effectively halfing the framerate (blending two frames together)
The second thing is if you view the image downscaled, at least without lanczos or similar high quality downscaling (browsers don't use this), then it looks fucked up.
I take the screenshots with the shader because it's legitimately how I play the games. I love getting constant complaints about it on 4chan too.
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now here is a gamer gf
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shhh, the girls are sleeping
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>>628795That's not a gamer gf that's a GANGAR gf
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>Game starts you in combat with no instructions or controls
Okay my fault for not reading the game manual. This game's mechanics are obviously convoluted and arcane as fuck so I literally am reading the manual.
Reminds me a lot of Dark Souls (no I don't call everything Dark Souls!).
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(Regarding Vagrant Story) I understand the game now, but it's amazing to me that there was not even a single instruction, tutorial, or even on-screen button prompt at any point. Literally 0 handholding.
I could imagine someone going half the game and not even knowing about certain mechanics, or not understanding them at least, I'm still unclear about stats.
Game seems to be a masterpiece though, surprisingly advanced for PS1. I'm sure it filtered a lot of people, especially kids.
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of course he immediately looks up porn of the game's characters
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>>629002If I delete my q post are you going to troll me by deleting your spam post and sending it to page 3?
>>628946The cat girl is actually from Dark Cloud. There is almost zero sex appeal in Vagrant Story (one babe has some cute polygons)
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>>629081I wanted to get into Kiseki but then saw this and said no.
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the otacat jumpscared me today while i was gaming by jumping on the back of my chair
hes 13 now btw
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tried playing dread again, it didn't super click with me the first time so I put it down, I really enjoyed it this time.
I have some mixed thoughts about emmis though.
Everything about their high stress chases just runs opposite to thorough exploration.
I think my only real gripe with ao/zero is that for quite a whiles the cast definitely feels like coworkers and not a real friend group or family where you really get to know every character very well. And it doesn't quite feel as intentional as it did with say the first 1/3 of tales of the abyss where it was because everyone hated luke.
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FF16 PC port announced, Steam day 1 for $50
Should I forgive Square Enix? For making FF7R 1 year exclusive to EGS and then releasing it on Steam for $70
That triple-exclusivity deal and still releasing for $70 was the most greedy thing I've ever seen from Japanese people and it really put Squeenix on my shit list. They seem to be behaving a little better now though, they still held it hostage on Playstation 5 for over a year, but in comparison this seems okay.
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Played some of the FF16 demo
Runs pretty bad on my R53600+6700XT on Linux. Dont get me wrong I could certainly play it like this, I just think it should be running way better for how it looks. With FSR/XeSS resolution I can get stable 60 on max settings 1440p everywhere but towns and heavy scenes, where it can drop/stutter pretty bad. The cutscenes are hard capped at 30, also some minor stutters.
Maybe the full game will run better, I'm not the only one complaining about the performance.
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>>629486Nice one, Konata uses an Estoc and has Magic Glintblade equipped, she probably chose Prisoner class.
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Finished Vagrant Story, I didn't really understand the story.
Extremely "deep" mechanics for a PS1 game, or even (especially?) by modern standards.
Some stuff is very slow, the equipment menu is burdensome, spells take 7 seconds to cast, etc. It wasn't a big issue because I fast-forward
The game was originally called "Phantom Pain", it finally mentioned that in the end credits and epilogue cliff-hanger. Hideo Kojima stole this and made MGS V: The Phantom Pain
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i got so many servants now