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Anyone else feeling really sad tonight?
This is unrelated to why I'm feeling sad, but have you heard several new states implemented internet ID laws for porn?
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise. Censorship resistant underground online platforms like ota aren't popular because there isn't enough demand, but porn has a massive demand that will never go away, so it will push porn onto these platforms.
Goodnight ota
>>625212hammer down futabar and finish in her snatch that clueless dork
>>625221hell yeah I always come to ota to pick up fresh pizza
No.625299>Hinata Ibuki (Singing) - Hoshizora E Kakaru Hashi remember back in high school when you went on fun dates with girls and grew up well socialised and normal
me neither
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>>625299I really like this OP especially when they play DDR.