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She kissed Marine's hand while they were playing Mario party with the bau baus. Marine's been bleached.
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what if rin played runescape with you and helped you slay the king black dragon
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Talked to an actual Chinese person on the western internet recently
I asked them about housing, they confirmed $40 to $100 USD per month is normal to pay for decent housing.
The median pay in China is $1,115 USD a month (that means 50% make more or less than this)
Chinese people commonly pay as little as 5% of the median monthly salary on housing each month
The USA median monthly pay is $3813, yet housing often comes at minimum of ~$1200.
Americans commonly pay at least 40% of the median wage on housing, keep in mind 50% make less than the median wage, many people make far less.
That money is either literally being thrown away to a leech if you're renting, or if it's a mortgage usually going almost entirely to interest/insurance.
Just to give you an example of how absurd housing prices are in the the capitalist west. You could fix that one issue (strict government control over housing, government builds extreme amounts of low-income family housing) and fix basically everything else.
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love chink girls