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I like when their tits are too small to fit their cosplay/bunny suit
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>Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise (2011 Remaster) the Smashing Blumpkins
I smoked like half a cigar I really like this $12 one.
>>624362I never had sex, of any kind, I'm a complete virgin. She got naked, I spread her pussy, felt her tits, kissed her, that's it, literally then she asked to stop when I couldn't get hard.
In retrospect I should've just ate her out when I had the chance, but I hesitated.
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cant believe im stuck in the universe where girls would rather be flipped by whatmin than me he doesn't even do the bare minimum and yet here i am wageslaving and going to the gym like a grade A sucker
they were right it really is all about face and height
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>>624387I'm 5'7.5 and lied about my height as 5'8
But yes honestly if I had to rate myself I'm 8/10, doesn't matter much because I'm an autistic NEET.
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Noooo how could they do that to that poor boy… I'm never playing Overwatch again
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Girls are still nasty even if they shower
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>>624689What makes Yukari so endearing to the Hikikomori? The fact that she's one of the Quater Lifers who lives at home, does a begrudingly shitty job at work, and leads a carefree if obliviating existence.
That makes her Hikikomori-Sexy. Why? Because of the self destructive potential of it all…
A night with Yukari could be a night of excess…drinking, cussing, fucking, and a morning of no regrets. An empty morning, but one with no regrets. No kids, no settling down, no ruts. Just marching lockstep into her 30s with no real stable life plan other than just keeping up with the status quo. However long it may last. The last episode was damning in and of itself…the girls graduated but to Yukari…just another day. Three Years of memories…and…hey; see ya, good bye, so long and thanks for all the fish.
The nihilism of the 20s…the dawning of the 30s….This is sexy to a Hikikomori, especially one of self imposed exile. The horrors of war, the smell of cordite and rotting flesh, the feel of talcum sand…enough to drive any man to isolation, but for Yukari I'd certainly slap on some Pomeade, put on my cleanest AC-LIGHTNING BOLT-DC t-shirt and least wrinkled slacks for Miss Yukari.
She might even let me come in her.
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my fetish is settling down with a girl who knows what she's doing and forming a functional family
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Scared off a 37 year old turbo hag who matched me by saying I want a relationship where I either I could go over to her place, or she could come here, and we have sex.
She looked like Paulina from Mario Odyssey.