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didnt watch but the name made me remember plastic neesan
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we love high school and isekai here
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isla my beloved…
there is a perpetual isla general on 2chan since it aired, it's STILL going on to this momentプラメ No.623734
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>>623701crying and op wont even watch her show hate when ota is so mean like this
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>>623734i actually watched the second episode yesterday and it was revealed that no matter how hard she tries she's going to break down in 2000 hours this is terrible i knew exactly the plot was going to go this way
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>>623736just keep watching more episodes its an important ota unesco heritage anime
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I just finished my own white haired robowaifu anime
It was quite good. Come to think of it, but it's like a Plastic Memories prequel really. Or well, Plastic Memories actually came second, so Plastic Memories is more like a sequel. It is interesting how the themes happen to somewhat follow up on each other perfectly. Maybe I'll rewatch Plastic Memories now
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