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Ate half a bag of kale I fried up and bagel with cream cheese and two small tomatoes and a banana and gonna have coffee thanks for reading my blog
I've been wondering why I felt so low T and had no sex drive, then I realized I needed to start eating green leafy vegetables and citrus fruit, fix my sleep schedule, and now I'm mostly fine.
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I had a panic attack in the middle of the mass and had to get up and leave, I couldn't breathe and was about to have a fit. I felt instant relief the second I was outside.
There was more people than I thought, although I was literally the youngest person in the entire room
I came back after I calmed down and sat in the very back. I didn't know any of the words or things I was supposed to say, everyone got communion and left.
I stayed for a little bit longer just sitting there. No one said anything to me except one younger woman said good morning and smiled at me.
>>622638If they don't want me there I don't care.
>also does that mean you're going to spend $300 inviting that girlie again to come over but actually fugg her this timeI don't think she's ever coming back, she's made plans and cancelled 3 times now, but still keeps messaging me and calling me baby. I'm kind of done with it, although she's ruined 3D porn for me, I can't look at real women without feeling bad, it made me more into beta/virgin masochistic degradation porn and I don't like it.
>>622642That was the demon of social anxiety you are possessed with
>it made me more into beta/virgin masochistic degradation pornhahahaha
>>622642>I didn't know any of the words or things I was supposed to sayno one does except old grandmas you just mumble things under your breath when everyone else does and sit/rise/kneel as the rest of the congregation does
i'm guessing you missed the part where you shake hands with everyone? you'd probably have an even bigger autism attack
it doesn't happen every time though
>I'm kind of done with it, although she's ruined 3D porn for me, I can't look at real women without feeling bad, it made me more into beta/virgin masochistic degradation porn and I don't like it.literally how I am an incomparable homo
>>622642mass on a Friday morning is not going to have any people that aren't middle aged to elderly
You're supposed to, you know, be at work or school on a Friday morning.
Maybe go on Sunday in the late morning mass, That's when they have the one geared for the children who are coming out of Sunday school and parents and everyone is there.
There should be books that have everything in it. I guess now that I think about it if I went to mass for the first time today I wouldn't have a clue what to do or how to find out. But there's a play by play in the book, it starts with confession prayer which goes "i confess to you almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters…" then at the bottom it tells you what page to turn to next. I'd tell you to ask someone, but I don't think the average person knows about this even being in the book, everyone just knows from experience.
I doubt you're going to go again or anything but yeah that's how it goes if you do
I haven't been in a couple years myself. And to be honest before then I also hadn't been for a couple years. And mass prayers wording and what prayers are said changed a lot so what I say may be outdated sorry
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>>622651>>622644So /jp/ grew up as goody two shoes catholic kids, it all makes sense now
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Every single aspect of everything reminds me of my own incompetence.
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went riding and this guy in a little red sports car got mad and honked at me
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>>623200And you don't seem to understand
Ages 16-22 are still discovering Lain and 4chan, long after you've grown out of it.
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Translate this shit weebs
>>623216step 3: ching ching nip nong me 「love」 you long time
step 4: the 「pleasure」 of being 「cummed」 inside