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We just keep winning
>>622126our streamer beat the shit out of that game
>>622126Nice cheater items
even if she beats the game she didn't actually beat it
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im amazed he managed to beat alatreon without ever learning how to use the weapon, i thought retard strength had its limits
oh right, fatalis
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>>622143liked this mahou koukou batoru anime especially the part where they all had exposed midriffs
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>>622144it started out great and funny and not serious but as it went on it started getting more serious and badder and i dropped it at episode 8 apparently
this is also the last anime where i actually kept track of watch status for every individual episode now i just add anime after i complete it
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>>622163you should finish it it was one of my favorite animes of 2017
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>>622165i remember it started getting really bad i really hate stupid tonal shifts in anime
i liked the autism girl
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better a tranny than a duck