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I'm 29 now and it's really starting to hit me that it's just "too late".
My sex drive is like 1/4 what it used to be in my late teens and early 20s, so even if I got a girl to have sex with me now it wouldn't be as good.
It's literally, unironically over. Maybe I could blast anabolic steroids and get that testosterone back, but I think I'd only do that if I finally got access to pussy, but I still would be extremely unlikely to do that.
In terms of girls liking me, the window of being "daddy" for younger girls is rapidly closing and I will soon be "old man". It's only old bitches with dried up pussies and 0 sex drive for me.
Never in my life felt the validation of a woman wanting to have sex with me. My psychological problems from this are immense.
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love living
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>>621457lots of girls are unironically into that, also shut-ins usually look younger, I'm usually mistook for 21 with a clean shave
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just think of how many years the average holohag wasted before finally making it big
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sigh lol did i mumble
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sorry oatmin I don't know what I did wrong see you in 28 weeks otomodachis
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>>621652sorry I just wanted to apologize…
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thank you otamin im still not sure what i did wrong but im sorry
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got diagnosed with nasal polyps
havent been able to taste or smell for months now, if not longer
literally had to imagine the smell for everything
could hardly breathe out my nose
put me on antibiotics and corticosteroids and the taste and smell is starting to come back and i can breathe
it was becoming rather miserable
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Almost suffocated in my sleep last night. Unfortunately I woke up before I could not have woken up.
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