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Is that nyanners?
I love nyanners she made the pomf pomf pomf song.
File: 1714690840038.jpeg (85.15 KB, 466x832, GMjFZYRaYAAj26k.jpeg) everyone is ready for 30 hours of unkoyo to be dumped right on their fucking faces.
Final fantasy 1
Wagyan land
Starfox 64
all her first time playing
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>>620671Have sex, hopeless romantic.
Do you prefer that approach?
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>>620686Was it repeated rejection over and over again, with little to no validation from your peers and especially girls?
If so I'm not gay, but in a totally non-gay way if we were like spirits I would fuse into you and transfer love and acceptance
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girls? who even cares about that? just complete and total rejection by my own parents and peers.
>>620686Spent years thinking about if getting rejected turned me into worthless and broken creature or if I was born worthless and defective and that's why I got rejected in the first place.
Still don't know the answer…
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honestly what worked best for me was cutting off even my mom, took me way too long to realize that just cause she was the better parent that didn't do a fuckton of drugs and viciously abuse me and then take more drugs to the point he didn't even remember it didn't mean she wasn't still pretty shit
now in an ok job and improving both my life, social, and work skills a lot
would really recommend just moving out and working at something if you're a neet with the resources to do so, even if it's just a mother-in-law unit
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also unironically it's never too late, even if you're 40 you still have 50 more years to go
go get an engineering or cs degree and just start making things
shit's basically free with finaid past cost of living
>>620696I already did that years ago and I'm NEET
if you get rejected by girls you get rejected by jobs, degree doesn't matter
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>>620717It's not even being rejected by girls, just not having the confidence to ask them out to begin with anyways.
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if two autists have a child does it cancel out or make a super autist savant
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It creates usually a moderate autist who is anti social, but still capable of socializing.
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more of a natural hopeless romanticector meself