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see zunby once a week in the shower
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uhhh what about your maxed out vacation days?
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you hardly see foreigners outside of the 4 big cities, or at least that was the case the last time I was there roughly 6 years ago.
Also if anyone asks you anything in Enlgish, just mumble Russian at them.
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will gorge myself on famichiki and strong zero
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it's either lose it or take every 3rd friday off
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have more than enough to purchase a nice akiya for the jp mansion with some sweet jdm classic in the driveway but do NOT have any rune skills to get a resident visa
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6 japan trip threads?
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>>620260All you need is like 2000 bucks and 5-10 vacation days. That's like a 2 weeks at a shitty job if you live with Mom and don't have to pay rent.
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>>620262I got paid 30 an hour as a security guard doing literally nothing but reading manga and learning programming before I got a real job.
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>>620271This is a weird and norm anecdote for me, but it's actually easier to dodge a lot of socially awkward tendencies when you're focused on using a second language.
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This thread is hella frutiger aero
>>620271That doesn't stop Pajeets, chinks, and niggas from traveling.
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Remembering a ramen cook in Osaka who misunderstood when I was translating fot my Malaysian friend at the ramen ticket kiosk.
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>>620303Feel bad for the Japanese people, all the white people's opinion on this is that Japanese people shouldn't be salty or should be more understanding
How about just admitting you're wrong for invading a country, westernizing their culture (e.g. Kodomo no Jikan could not be made today), and that you're no better than African n1gggers taking a boat to Europe?