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We did some playful things in the match, she crouched with me and we looked at each other, she went along with my stupid plays (most Mercy's aren't ride or die type bitches like that), and used thank you/sorry voice lines
But she only wanted me for the carry, I did like 2x average dmg that match.
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true girl gamers keep their mouth shut and they don't actively seek interactions or keep it to a minimum
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What is this shit, I'm so good it gives me "derank protection" AND "consolation"?
They use EOMM (engagement optimized matchmaking) to intentionally make unfair matches and win/loss streaks, a recent update started blatantly telling you who is expected to win.
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Hello yes I would like a grimoire that tells me how to get a lady friend, please.
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>>619980oh? what made her say that?