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File: 1713771800611.jpg (197.13 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Dragon Raja -….jpg)

No. 619439



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That guy was just saying there was too many >ota threads he's gonna freak


heard in the backblog today there was a ban out for jod


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This woman is married (to you). The man behind her isn't you. How does this make you feel?



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Uninterested. I relate more to the ones where the girl falls in love with her rapist with the boy never confessing


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tsmt, i accidentally noticed like a week or two ago that i used to have saintlike innate virtues, exceptional memory, was highly perceptive and intuitive and now i am a impaired neet who absentmindedly masturbates most of the day, napping, watching animes, fantasizing or scrolling/refreshing in between. sigh why the fuck this had to happen now my conscience is nagging me to abandon my anachoritic lifestyle and do something because well i simply automated every possible behavior (including automation itself) and locked "i" in myself.


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Living is hard if you have to do things. I could understand someone committing suicide merely because they're tired of going to work/school and just want to relax.


Check out this vindaloo sauce this Indian chef made. It looks delicious sar, and very spicy, Indian cuisine is the best there is.


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You know I was just sitting in a plane, possibly the most boringest of activities, and I've had some time to think and see things clearly. What I was really able to understand is that no matter what I do be it work or leisure, I only do it to pass time before I die.

My range of emotions spans from completely indifferent to moderately irritated. I don't have a real goal, plan or direction. There is no purpose to me being employed other than not even fearing but knowing that I'll no longer have money which I don't need. And I get a fair share of free time between work, several weeks, that I don't know what to do with anyway. Can't blame it on depression because it looks more like a flat line to me I simply see no value in my own life.


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Others too if you ask. You can't impress me with your income, hobbies and enthusiasm I already see it as filler. The only difference is that there are people who can see that distinction and those who choose to pretend it's not true.

I didn't say anything novel. Sometimes this thing becomes a little too poignant to shrug off.


ive never lived anywhere with real snow
it snowed once more than a decade ago just a couple cm if that and was extremely rare


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love snow wish it snowed every day

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