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No. 618511

what if hell isn't real after all


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There's four biblical terms that have been translated as hell or associated with it.

- Sheol (hebrew/old testament)
- Gehenna
- Hades
- Lake of Fire

Sheol has almost no descriptions in the old testament. It basically just means "the grave", "afterlife", or "death", and it's never described in much detail. There is not much to go on.

Gehenna was a real-world place where people threw away trash. Jesus himself used the term Gehenna several times metaphorically, but many bibles just translate this as "hell". Perhaps it implies that you will be thrown away like trash, to a less desirable place, but not necessarily "Dante's inferno" style burning hell where Satan ass rapes you for eternity.

This is Jesus himself directly talking, direct quotes, so I personally think this is the most important to consider. Many of his metaphors center around being judged, a large portion of what he has to say is about how they will separate the good from the bad at harvest time. If there was any one message Jesus wanted to let people know, it's probably this.

Hades is the generic Greek term for "afterlife", it was used a few times in the new testament, at least once by Jesus himself, but there's not much to speculate on just like Sheol.

"Lake of Fire" is entirely restricted to only the Book of Revelation. This book is extremely different from all other books in the bible and contains very esoteric and bizarre wording. Much of it is clearly meant to be taken from a metaphorical or allegorical standpoint. This book is likely where the popular concept of "hell" in most people's mind comes from.


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Rest assured I've been there for 34 years


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Oh it's real


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all women are norms


what about emily-chan


whos that again do you mean applemilk


i mena emi-chan

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