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streaming is not allowed until stream threads are condensed
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>>618538Why am I not allowed to cry?
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>>618539but we only have a couple dozen threads what's that compared to the 167 pages of Please excuse my poor English no gf hopeless romantic rambling
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Me when stream
No.618552 she's really letting people carry her through it
I guess we will never get to have streams again…
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what the fuck how could he betray me and go to japan without me
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alright treb i made it to the meetup now let me in your room
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oh noes otamin found him…
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>Capital One Financial Corporation is an American bank holding company specializing in credit cards, auto loans, banking, and savings accounts, headquartered in McLean, Virginia with operations primarily in the United States.[2]
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going to Japan in August for the natsucomi meatup.
Just made plans with big bro and friends.
>>618434wait did this nigga really go to japan? wtf
enjoy giving birth to dysgenic hapas like elliot rodgers
>>618655I do, but they all just assume that I don't whenever I go anywhere so I don't even bother.
Also paying for shit is always a pain in the ass, they just made me write my name directly on my credit card for some reason. I just want to buy some fucking earplugs not give out autographs.
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>>618724Well I'm here now, there's nothing stopping you from coming back. Maybe
you should stop avoiding
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how about a nice jishin
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Oh… I see why he felt the need to go when he did.
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if this doesn't get a stream I don't know what does
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really wasnt kidding about the internet turning everyone into lonely freaks and it somehow being easier to get a date than ever
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>>619100Why would you do literally anything on your work laptop o_o
>takoyakiYeah people shouldn't eat octopus, or any seafood other than fish with scales.
>>619104I don't play trash gacha gambling games anymore. I just waste thousands of dollars on pointless transcontinental vacations.
Maybe I'll go to Tokyo Tower or something today just so I can pretend that I did something. I chickened out on visiting Cover HQ because I didn't want to be seen there and confused for some fucking freak who watches vtuber trash.
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I went all the way to Cover headquarters and guess what was there? Fucking NOTHING. Not even a FUCKING virtual duck. It was just a bland office building in the middle downtown Tokyo.
What a fucking waste of my time. Why did nobody tell me nothing was there? Literal assholes.
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go to a jinja and fug a 2hu
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Wake up, Ruffians!! If you don’t get up now, you might sleep through the weekend! It’s time for #FWMCMORNING!! BAU BAUー!!
episode 87
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【DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation】水着の可愛い女の子のゲームやろっか^^【ホロライブ/兎田ぺこら】
nice oshi, T…
>>619203I bet when Japanese people first start settling there, all the Ainu kept saying "wakannai", a common phrase you would say to someone speaking Japanese outside your knowledge level.
So the Japanese called their town wakkanai as a joke.
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>Go to Japan
>Buy konbini meals and stay in a hotel all day
Shouldn't you be in Kabukicho or something?
>>619273Why would I go outside?
The only reason I'm here is because I got kicked out of my apartment while they installed a washer/dryer.
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Official gnfos radio
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I can't believe I got up for this diarrhea garbage…….
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>>619280Just go to Kyoto already and come back to Tokyo in time for reitaisai
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Why can't I have a 60yo mother of 3 gf?
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i just opened an asmongold video and started remembering about big t and the spinoffs after years of not being here
then i opened Auschwitz and it took me to some turkish casino
where did it go what happened
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>>619394he turned it into a casino because his new oshi is addicted to gambling
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he sold it so he could afford a one way plane ticket to the great japan in the sky
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>stream starts
>*holohag(s) screeching/deadmom/fat fuck BGM*
>awkward silence for 2 minutes
>!watame/!katana/!flare x15
>You know what I did today? !mori
>Ate ground beef/Got yelled at by family/went to walmart, DMV, chipotle bell/Absolutely nothing! !loser
>Oh, and by the way …*BEEP BEEP* times 50 (schizo rambling)
>What? Is this your stream now? No talking. !miko
>What even happened today anyway?
>*quick check up on what's left of the /jp/verse*
>News sucks! !towa
>does bob dole games, looks up all the answers
>Damn I'm good. !flare
>deadmom/some political podcast/holohag watchalong for half an hour interspersed with the [H]ottest takes
>repeat sound alerts and beep beep spam ad infinitum
>I have to wake up for this stupid idiot job wish they could just fire me.
>plays a arpg/card game/jp bideo game for 2 hours
>extreme profanity/existential fatigue
>*4 am* My sleep schedule's fucked!
>after 2-3 more hours
>Everyone get out.
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>SNEED FEED AND SEED Luna Himemori Hololive
Sneedo feedo ando seedo
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Speaking of brown, I have an indog problem thanks to that joke okcupid account I made on anti-hopeless romantic day. I didn't realize giving someone your LINE account also gives them your phone number and now this bargain bin KaelaK keeps sending me photos of food and other inane bullshit every single goddamn day and I keep having to make half-hearted replies. I don't have it in me to just block her and now it's gotten to the point that she thinks we're married and I keep having to talk her out of flying over here. I've just been hoping she would get bored and move on but that doesn't appear to be happening. I need to figure out a convincing way to kill myself off and make her think I died, I thought about pretending my plane crashed since I was on a boeing but she could just check the news so that won't work.
What would otamin do?
>>620043She's a mudslime femcel, otamin would have to marry her first. She also said she would become my property afterwards which kind of piqued my interest since I thought I missed out on owning a slave like we used to before biden "voters" ruined that like they ruin everything.
Fucking hate biden.
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Ela is a pure Christian Chinese whore who happens to live in Indo.
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"We are all in the gutter. But some of us choose to look at the stars. 私の中のひと"
– Otamin
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what the hell is he waiting for
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Moving back into the cuck shed today…..
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Back in the cuck shed AMA
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>>620136Why don't you fly that Indo jungle bunny out there
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You mean the master bedroom
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Did you finally get a 38 year old mayodog gf?
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he just blogged about getting married to a kaela k gf
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>>620136Yeah uhh how long is
GNFOS going to stay down exactly?
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there is an ongoing event in jong with that gook gacha everyone is talking about it they gave me like 6 tickets but I'm going save all of it for better collabs f**p em
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yeah, i've posted a total of 3 times
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>>620231We love buruaka here.
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Big T and otamin.
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>>620265even better, it's a corean game that was released in Japan before any other region
it IS the reparations
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do you think he'll stream after he picks up the girls from school?
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if he's picking up the girls then it would be logical to assume that it's his turn to watch the kids. probably taking them to waffle house or something
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No.620288 over some bau baus
it's 9 oclock, butler duties should be over by now
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cant believe pekkor usa is casually hitting 170k viewers and he won't even stream
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It's a six letter word. First letter is s the last letter is m.
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Got evicted from the cuck shed yesterday, living by the highway now……
Literally can't sleep from the noise……..
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you were invited there, moved in and got evicted all in a week's time? very impressive
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SIL must've finally found out about how the nieces feel about uncle tebo
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damn good movie
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I don't think I'll ever forgive him for the gnfos massacre and this non streaming bullshit who does he think he is?
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>>621024Nice try T but I recognize your ip address don't try to wriggle out of streaming now
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>>621047I did much worse than steal them. I'm still regularly helping myself to your Lovander.
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horrid bitch receiving just desserts
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flufferless fuwawa
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>>621116I really wish cover was better with mixing…
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towa is a member of the han people
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missed reitaisai
missed holokuru
will miss natsucomi
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literally big t and the indog
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ok, now this is epic
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The indog literally just sent me a death threat because it thinks that I wasted months of its time. I think it's mad at me and could possibly have rabies.
>>638098well she's right, who the fuck strings along a person for months on end as a "joke"
you're a genuine psycho
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>>638098>I think it's mad at me Maybe if you weren't an asshole and treated her like a human being she wouldn't be sending you death threats.
Do what's right and write her an apology letter and at least try to end things on a good note.
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>>638101the battle of autisms
classic jp
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iunno maybe getting a mina gf wouldn't be that bad
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It's out.
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dumb bitch
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I tell it to fuck off and leave me alone forever because I hate her and she's ugly and we have nothing in common and this is her response after already sending me a death threat. Are all women like this or is this indog just particularly retarded?
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I remember having to convince my irl friend to stay with his girlfriend (now wife) because he was fucking retarded and thought he was gonna find some girl he has "something in common with".
No, you're not finding some girl that has the same autistic interests as you. I had to roast him about how unrealistic it was and he changed his tune.
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>>638303The reality is you're either going to be with a normie bitch or be alone 99% of the time.
You're not gonna find some female that shares your autistic fire alarm collection and speedrunning hobby
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I gave the indog a final ultimatum.
I'll be very curious to see how she responds to it if she even does at all after reading it. It should at last be the final nail in the coffin for this very out of season Valentine's Day joke.
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Why would she stream herself playing Nikke does this mean I'll find love or maybe she means a different nikke?
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at the time of this post it's way past midnight in japan and all the holohags have had their christmas streams and are even done with their holiday "after hours" activities with their signifacnt ones
>>638333Women are much less willing to engage in casual sex than men. They typically cheat as a mate switching strategy only. They also perceive men as less physically attractive when they have less resources. Men would almost never pass up immediate sex with an attractive woman, but women almost always pass up immediate sex with a physically attractive man.
With all that said if you still perceive most women as being Chad's used goods, then being able to pick among those used goods means you can have standards.