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Please excuse my poor English no cluster-B borderline personality histrionic over-dramatic attention seeker gf to physically and verbally abuse me and throw tantrums and have generally awful behavior but I just keep showing unconditional support and love like it's okay baby shhhh then we fuck, she has a hyper-active sex drive btw
>>617861That's not the issue
the issue is you don't even know what to prioritize anymore, you have less and time and more things to do
then there are things that might take to much time if you start so you should probably focus on something else but the other thing might not even be worth focusing on, and you might be better off doing the thing that takes more time since it might pay off more, but it's all moot since since you won't know anything until you do it anyway
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Winona Ryder's feet and ass being carried by Whoopi Goldberg .jpg
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>>618001whatever just spend all your time complaining on an imageboard instead of starting with prioritizing things you enjoy and making incremental progress
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>>618012The world itself is fine, like if you could pick a spot with lots of fresh water and good weather (or at least have fire/shelter) and lots of game and arable land you could just chill and live
It's capitalism that fucked it all up, even God's cursed world isn't that bad who gives a fuck about bears or poison plants it's easy to deal with compared to the government.
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>>618022Yeah because it's cursed, he literally told us that a few pages into Genesis.
God's just hardcore sorry you're a pussy fag
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>>618034 be like:
Products made by workers are le actually made by the intangible abstract concept of capitalism
This is your appearance
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Whatmin explain this
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>>618050The dots are obviously photoshopped
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No matter how you look at it everything is finite.
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>>618098No matter how I look at it, it's not my fault I don't have a girlfriend
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Can you people stop being so afraid?
You will die like it or not it's something you have to live with.
If there is something you want then go and grab it.
If you can't do it then it's not something you really wanted in the first place.