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No. 617674

Gamer thread


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this is /jp/ okay not /chon/


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Not even Mario Golf is cheering me up

What's that


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Wtf does the z button even do in this game


>30th place
>That's worth 3 points!
>47 more points to the next course

Okay I'm done with this game


>peach's skirt


have to push the pram a lot


just a minute ago i realized that i'd rather play video games than work or learn


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There's been some new games I want

Persona 3 Reload
Lies of P

Maybe it's time I get one I haven't played a new game in quite some time.


friend got me to start playing eternal return with him
this game is retarded but im having a lot of fun


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Handball 17 has finally been cracked

It took 8 years but it's over Denuvo-bros. Get in here /jp/roskis



yo where my nba bros at


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I wish I liked video games but gameplay just feels like a chore. Guess I'll stick to VNs.


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ganked some noobs today


thinking about making a nice uim


very impressive waste of your life
you should play poe too


dad wastes his life watching normba and normfl and normhl and all the other normballs dont see whats so different about playing video games


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wow so you're wasting your life just like your dad very impressive


remember really enjoying this comic as a teen


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I came across someone on /v/ who thinks if you pray really hard to God, he will get you a gf

This is my new plan to stop being an hopeless romantic, I'm just going to pray for a gf, she's going to find me even as a NEET in my house through divine intervention.


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Maybe it will be one of the new neighbors moving in around me this summer.

It will happen.


I think it's usually Satan that handles requests like that God doesn't seem to give a hoot


but christmas isnt for like 8 months


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unironically have had girls slide into my dms on twitter and suggest meeting up even though all I do there is act like a PREDICTABLE person.
if you are over 28 and have your own place, women will basically fall over you.
granted I'm still fucking awful at dating.


flippin rinse this norm oatman


those are bots not girls


3 of them were and they were pretty recognizable, the other 2 were real foids with not so great eigo


I get decent activity on the apps sometimes they message me first but I'll never actually meet one of those girls because I'm too old wish I got the surgery 15 years ago might have salvaged this life


I didn't mean to reply to that guy


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Even the Deku tree gets to breed


sometimes wonder if virg rates are even higher than generally thought since its all just based on surveys
know lots of neets and professionals of both genders that seem to have been single their entire lives
flipping mindboggling that some stats put the number of 30 year old virg foids at 6%+


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Bitte auf eine korrekte Rechtschreibung achten!


Rare otamin post


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I haven't played FF8 in weeks but I need to finish it up.

The pacing and story started to get weird and I no longer understand wtf is going on. I never liked the memory flashbacks to Laguna, and how it removed all my junctions, I had to reload a savestate and take screenshots.

I really liked this space scene a lot though


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Ground control: Do NOT enable the autism overdrive, you didn't do that already right…? Squall… SQUALL NO


Darling so there you are with that look on your face~


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The Hot Shelter bathroom in Amy's playthrough

I have absolutely no memory of this. Feels very weird, it's something people probably would have ran through in a few seconds without thinking anything of

You can open the stalls with your hammer, something I'm sure 99% of players did not do


gonno get 300 fishing skill and win the tournament today


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a real gamer movie


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Vivian James


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catching, not pitching


I asked for a bulbasaur not a bulbouswhore!

*canned laughter*


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Hello, I'm Tifa, and today I'm going to teach Cloud a lesson he'll never forget. I've got my high heels on, and I'm going to use them to their full potential.

I strut over to where Cloud is standing, looking at me with those dreamy eyes. I know he expects me to be gentle, but today I'm feeling wicked. I wind up my leg and deliver a sharp kick to his groin, feeling the impact through my heel as I connect with his sensitive balls.

"Oof!" Cloud doubles over, his eyes watering as he gasps for breath. I smirk, enjoying the power I have over him in this moment. I step closer, lining up my shot, and kick him again, this time with a satisfying crunch.

"Tifa, please… that hurts!" Cloud pleads, his voice cracking.

I laugh, a wicked, mischievous sound. "You think this hurts? I'm just getting started, sweetheart."

I deliver another swift kick, and another, each time feeling a twisted satisfaction as Cloud writhes in pain. His pleas turn to whimpers, and I know he's at my mercy.

"Now, Cloud, will you be a good little soldier and do as I say?" I purr, running my hand along his cheek, my nails digging into his skin.

Cloud nods, his eyes closed in surrender.

I lean in close, my breath hot against his ear. "That's what I thought. Now, get on your knees and show me how sorry you are."

And with that, I pull him by the hair, ready to make him suffer in a whole new way. Cloud knows who's boss now.


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>Disc 4 is required solely for one area + ending FMV
>Game just says "The end" and a permanent black screen

Kino. I didn't understand shit about this story, about to go look up what I should think on youtube.


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>Ranking the Cut Content of Demon's Souls

2 hours of Demon's Souls autism to fall asleep to.


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9,12,16,Rebirth ← The only 3D FF games I haven't played yet, not counting MMOs, but yes counting X-2 and both 13 sequels.

Looking forward to 9, and whenever they port the new games to Steam. 12 looks kind of shitty. I won't start 9 for a while though, probably want to play P3R whenever it gets down to $60 or less.

Thinking about playing Echo Night 1+2 next. I've played all the other PS1 Fromsoft games aside from Armored Core (I probably won't ever).


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gamed online in multiplayer over the net



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i dont get it


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we're talking about sex




Where can I cop this look


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To access the Shadow Temple in Ocarina of Time, you need to complete several tasks, but using Din's Fire is not one of them. Here are the steps to access the Shadow Temple:

1. Obtain the Lens of Truth: This item is required to see through illusions and hidden passages in the game. You can obtain it from the Bottom of the Well after completing a series of tasks and defeating Dead Hand.

2. Get the Shadow Medallion: After obtaining the Lens of Truth, you need to go to Kakariko Village and enter the windmill. Use the Lens of Truth to see invisible platforms and reach the roof of the windmill. There, you will find Impa, who will give you the Shadow Medallion after a short cutscene.

3. Play the "Song of Storms": After obtaining the Shadow Medallion, play the "Song of Storms" on the ocarina to drain the well in Kakariko Village.

4. Enter the Well: Once the well is drained, you can enter it and reach the Bottom of the Well once again. This time, you will use the Lens of Truth to navigate through the invisible paths and reach a new area.

5. Navigate the underground passage: Use the Lens of Truth to find your way through the underground passage, avoiding pitfalls and navigating through hidden doors. Eventually, you will reach the entrance to the Shadow Temple.

So, while Din's Fire is not necessary for accessing the Shadow Temple, the Lens of Truth and the Shadow Medallion are crucial items for progressing through this part of the game.


thanks ChatGPT


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t would have loved this


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Vaporwave af


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Game reminds me a lot of LSD Dream Emulator but if it was an actual game.

Some of these puzzles are real IQ testers.


Creepy and derelict but at least somebody drew anime on the wall


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I have the same green travis bickle jacket as these guys always wear it outside in sub 60 weather along with blue or black denim for this reason fall and winter are my favorite seasons now where's my wife


used to love my green taxi driver jacket wore it all the time in high school before I even knew what taxi driver was
It had huge inner pockets perfect for stealing drinks and snacks


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just thinking about spending time playing video games already sends me into an existential crisis


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There's just not enough time video games got me like


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Your brain is broken you couldn't imagine a girl like this being nice to you and liking you I am projecting.


games make me happy


happiness is a meme you dont need any of that


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okay grumpy grouch


whatever minjun


gamers are faggots


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Should I play Alundra 1 if I really just want to play the 3D Alundra 2?

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