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LOL post another one
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One time I told my mom cicada in Japanese was higurashi, and she said she liked that name.
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ota if they tumblr
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a better question is why he literally has this and doesn't want it
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>>641718There's plenty tbh, especially if you love in like asian or more city areas where people are more career focused.
But like being a virg at 30+ is still a massive L, even to foids and they're not going to go around announcing half that shit.
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did you know that real 3d lamy has her own yuki onna costume? she has't put it on for her onlyfans yet though
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but the only thing she needs is more cinamoroll merch and more hbr rolls…
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>>641846It's been 5 years now how have the glownigg3rs not arrested this spammer yet.
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my poor poor koyote…
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it sure would help if I had a streamer to help explain that okayu machine translates to porridge
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peko and ela are going on a nether adventure and he's asleep…
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Celebrate Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL’s 3rd Anniversary with a Hololive showdown! Enter the 3rd Anniversary tournament and represent
for a chance to win great prizes.
Use #FWMCxYGOMASTERDUEL or #BijouxYGOMASTERDUEL to root for the team you want to win!
Is he really just going to let the rock and a duck beat peko and the bau baus?
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>>641951Flood detected; Post discarded.
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detect this
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This okayu game sure is interesting…
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why does he del
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Duck the fuck!
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とってもかわいいね #朝こよ
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my wife is alive
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don't disturb her while she is reading
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>>642270It's less common, but it happens. Pekora has read comic LO on stream before. Most girl gooning occurs in text form or shoujo manga format. Or more recently, similar things like love and deep space.
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Gigi murin said that Kpop fans, fujoshis and weebs keep up the Fandom of most things. And they are delusional shippers that decide who keeps the Fandom alive for 10 years
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>>642276She's sadly not wrong.
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>>642268oh boy, now we get to watch kanata dig her way out of being 450 diamonds in debt!!!
>>642289[Vtuber][Mod] Polka Ch. 尾丸ポルカ : 1:46:18 配信開いたらずっとうんちうんち言ってる・・・
kanata is a naughty girl…
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my channel got suspended for racism
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let's see if they have a case what was it you said
File: 1739595203898.png (476.76 KB, 900x900, 1692105546865583.png) inkwells have to look out for each other or watch the duck play yakuza while T flips his ex-SiL and his e-gf
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>>642445That I didn't get a notification cause he was banned from friendtube.
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He lives two lifes on 2 separate channels.
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Woke up to find out that windows update ran and broke my sound card so I have no sound now.
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>>642450This is his real room when he isn't streaming from his studio
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>>642494huh where are the fwmc posters
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erm why the fuck is he not streaming? why is he not streaming right now?
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>>642521He has to be up at 6am for the big collab.
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hes just not gonna stream today why would he stream today its not like we matter we are too poor to pay his bills and hes busy with his successful career and indog wife whos obsessed with him why would we matter we could never compare to him
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>>642496setup qt5gtk2 qt6gtk2 gtk2 and gtk3 patched-filechooser-icon-view glib-thumbnailer necessary daemons for desktop usage next to pure alsa over pulseaudio and pipewire
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Been having chocolate chip eggos (they were the cheapest) with nutella for breakfast this last week. Really like em.
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>>642532The peak of Japanese cuisine.
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we’ll be doing a quiet & comfy stream to celebrate our birthday with the family club on the 22nd! we’ll probably just be chatting and reminiscing!’ll celebrate more next year
Those poor poor wuffians are being milked.
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The devs just confirmed arkveld has an 11% kill rate.
Can't wait to see T die to it 20 times even though a literal baby beat it pre-nerf.
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>>642534Look up Pain au Chocolat and Hagelslag.
I tried to post a couple wikipedia links but that got me banned for 28 weeks and since otamin is pouting and currently mad at everyone here on the website I'm going to have to sit this one out.
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>>642597 Debut Teaser: Hakui Koyori / 博衣こより
Koyori brews up a new challenge for Idol Showdown!
#IdolShowdown #こよりすけっち #hololive #ホロライブ
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>>642613He stole the Gaia list of top 100 games of all time and added them to a wheel arbitrarily.
It's this or I could make him something similar for vs recommended game wiki and then have him refuse to use it.
God though it really shows how much SotN doesn't even hold a candle to super Metroid despite coming out years later. Sonyteens were robbed.
He's a cuck in denial and pedo in denial so he'd be more happy to receive photos than money.
>>642623>>642624Nope kill yourselves also stop sucking Trevor's dick.
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caught a 7 day twitch ban for being too hateful in his chat
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redeem yourself by saying something nice about karen2015
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>>642712really makes you think
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Well it looks like I'm going to be a truneet again, I hope you retards are happy.
I threw away a perfectly good remote job where I don't do anything to babysit 2-3 developmentally challenged teenagers in their 40s for free. My boss even said I'm an idiot for doing this.
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Haven't you only been there a year and delivered next to nothing anyways?
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Good morning. Just dropping by to say that having a job is cool and hip. Don't forget the income and having a future part. I must get ready for work now.
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The resignation has officially been submitted. There's no going back.
Enjoy being a cog in the machine. I'm free now. No.642812
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You know it's a terrible idea. No one's going to let you crash at their house this time. Take it back tell them your new job fell through.
At least move to a low cost area like japan…
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he still has another brother to mooch off of and his step-sisters are in their 20s now too
and worst case he really can move to indonesia and be a house husband
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>>642813the army allows your big brother to bunk bed with you in gaza?
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he left the army a while ago now he lives somewhere near the texan border in like louisiana or arkansas he even picked up a southern accent
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To think this is all it takes to make a man ruin his life…
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there's a new pee oh ew update he has to play with his best friend krapp to show elon musk who's the real god gamer
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I hope he changed his mind and rescinded the resignation.
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I would rescind A lot of things up Chihaya's ass
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he should play that mojipittan opening someone made as stream intro
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Decided to make chicken to watch that episode and my fucking smoke alarm went off. It's 3 in the morning and I could hear people in my building screaming at me to turn it off which took forever since it's over 12 feet up. I had to stand on a chair and then jump to hit the silence button and I almost broke my legs doing it. Now my ears are blown out and ringing and the damn thing keeps beeping just to keep pissing me off.
Why the hell would you put in smoke detectors that go off from cooking chicken in the oven? It wasn't even burned at all, I was just cooking it normally. Absolutely retarded.
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>>642967Do the screeching whores in your glowing rectangle not already wake them every night?
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I don't think the fans need a lot of additional turning on
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>>642972 pizza (with a blowtorch) is actually the new indog pizza meta.
He was streets ahead.
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That's disgusting!
link pls
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>>643135that staceycel wishes she had narumi's jawline and structure
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Cant wait for the part of this midlife crisis where he buys a motorcycle.
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wow look at that, kronii and raora are playing portal 2
they'll never stop copying him
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>>643154yeah t's stream was a success so I personally DM'd and pitched a stream idea to her
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this is what a real woman looks like
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Has anyone asked just how many posts it's stopped though?
Probably hundreds, maybe thousands.
Oatman can't bother sifting through all those to find the accidental bans
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>puts a * on pekomura's asshole and renames it pakomura
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satoko is up in them guts
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he doesnt start the stream until i fall asleep
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if only there were some neet willing to cast this important sponsored showdown between the bau baus and biboo…
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he left us to go hook up with milg at calli-chan's concert in LA and it's objectively true if he doesn't stream
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I have an idea for a funny political comic
It's a bunch of dudes strapped to a chair with a poopsock and feed tube and a monitor displaying vtubers and then it zooms out and there's millions of them
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>>643369The bigger issue is that almost the entire plurality of the entertainment industry is somehow making even more money with much worse and lower volumes of content. Like I made fun of shitty ranobe adaptations when I was a kid, but even some of the absolute worst JC staff shite of yesteryear like asura cryin blows away most Isekkai slop (and I even like shield hopeless romantic and re zero and some others). And God forbid you look at Western and Chinese media outside of sci-fi novels.
Anyways everything is a scam or something, idk. I had a fun night working on learning wasm and listening to porka's adventure with the married woman. Did you do anything fun?
>>643371Wasm's only reason to exist is to serve proprietary binaries in a web browser rather than javascript which has to be open source.
I think it's disgrace that should never have been allowed in web standards.
I have it disabled in my Firefox user.js, I do enable it for some sites that use it on an individual basis, but I think they're scumbags.
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Married, engaged or TBA we love holomem in spite of what we know about their private lives.
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Remember: do NOT bring your palico.
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>>643377uhhh we only like it when azki and aki have husbands, they're not allowed fiancees or boyfriends.
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>>643383god I wish, and this season is actually pretty good too. there's like a 2 digit number of watchable shows
>>643374>open sourcejs is minified to the point theres no difference from asm
i'd rather be able to run desktop programs sandboxed in the browser so after 80 years of computers we have an actual cross platform gui environment
>>643379no spoilers
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>>643383Nobody is going to watch a 12 hour pink rat breeding stream back to back. Most people including me use them as background noise during work or leisure. But I understand the frustration of those who do not understand spoken Japanese; yeah it would be fairly pointless in their case.
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>>643388deso can't even read japanese and she's the one making the streams
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i don't blame her why bother learning 3 writing systems hangeul is superior
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Hayama is already 12 hours in.. you'll never catch up
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he has to watch the new severance episode first before he gets spoiled
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3000 oompa loompas in and peko is now talking to her hallucinations of matsuri and subaru senpai…
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>>643480he was an hour late to the release so he's behind everyone else and its impossible to recover from that
you won't get it unless you are a real gaymr
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>>643481peko has put 12+ hours into breeding oompa loompas since release to get vivi a blue one and she's still going to btfo flare and ohayama who are both almost 20 hours in.
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>>643484Because he's doing it ironically and because he falls for it every time we neg him into doing something to prove us wrong.
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>>643482and 30,000 people watched her do it…
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>>643508For me, it's the flare shrimp omurice and lamy tuna bowl.
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what in the heck
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If only there was some way to post the full weebm. Alas.
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This is a bit embarrassing.
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can't be a real stream enjoyer until you've had one of these
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but can you stream that place?
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>>643744the game is played with a cat companion that follows you around and does stuff like throw heals at you, they made the cat extremely strong this game, you are pretty much unkillable so he disabled the cat to make the game harder and the game is not designed to be played without it so it becomes retardedly hard
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When a game gives you numbers it's your duty to make those numbers as sparse and as close to 1 as possible or else you're playing on baby mode.
Can't wait for T's tales of the abyss let's play.
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Is he still gay for thinking this character was a girl?