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thought about nice things
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>>617126Don't you find it weird that as a society we say NO ONE should get pregnant in that age range, like it is NEVER okay?
God said it's okay, and these arbitrary human rules are literally made up to appease capitalism and nonsense social constructs.
13 should be like "you're a man now" age and treated like a young adult. The shit we have going on now is completely unnatural to delay adulthood by so much.
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dont make these girls commit a crime
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>>617144If society allowed me to "be an adult man" at 13 my life would have never turned out this way. I would've been a total worker drone normie with a big family. Girls wanted me back then I had 4 different girls who liked me in 7-8th grade, I kissed 3/4 of them. I simply ghosted them IRL, but if society was like "yeah she could be your wife go get married and fuck happy happy" I would've done it and fucked. In the past this is what I would've done, and just chilled on the fief working like 3 months out of the year and going to the fair/market/church/guild.
you do realize that men during the middle ages were expected to be able to support a family before they married, this meant most men married well into their twenties after finishing their apprenticeship or after inheriting land from their fathers, those who were not able, guess what, they did not marry
child marriages outside of political machinations of noble families did not happen either, and the onset of menarches in women was far later than it is today
anyway you're a fucking manchild that's entirely dependent on your mother while being almost fucking 30 and this cope how you'd totes have a family and a job if you "were allowed to be man" at age 13 would be the most hilarious shit if it wasn't so fucking pathetic
>>617151>1,000 years of European history was exactly like this!Yeah okay bro. There was an extremely diverse range of systems and ways of life even on a micro-scale. "Feudalism" wasn't one thing, there was certainly idyllic hamlets, villages, and castle towns with strong communities where people got married at 13-15, had markets, fairs, guilds, artisans, blacksmiths, architects, craftsmen, knights, etc. and farm laborers certainly worked less than 40 hour wageslaves today
>>617154> there was certainly idyllic hamlets, villages, and castle towns with strong communities where people got married at 13-15, had markets, fairs, guilds, artisans, blacksmiths, architects, craftsmen, knights, etc. and farm laborers certainly worked less than 40 hour wageslaves todayThis is true. I've even seen them in fantasy-themed isekai.
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thinking about rape
can girls rape girls
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think it. dream it. do it.