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No. 616016

tarded out and wasted my life again


well at least you dont have a fork stuck up your arse like that other guy


wasted it watching a duck dance


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Extended social isolation for almost your entire youth and young adulthood years sure is something.

Does this describe you? Would you like to talk about it?

Perhaps you have an avoidant personality. Perhaps you have avoided relationships or opportunities because you are so afraid of rejection, failure, or abandonment in the future, that you would rather not even start.

Perhaps you have an intense desire for validation and approval, and you are very sensitive to rejection.

I think a causal factor is repeated exposure to social rejection as a child and teenager. Perhaps you were bullied, excluded, or made fun of one too many times.


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it was a lot more than a few times, I don't think I had a single positive social interaction until I was almost 14…
I lie and put up walls from others to alienate them and avoid forming any sort of genuine bond with them. I've definitely attempted to change, but I feel like to some extend I'll always hit a point where I just want to go hide in my room and build weird programs while reading manga and novels for a week at a time.
As I get older, it sometimes feels like even most norms have only had hollow relationships or maybe that's just the internet catching up with the zoomers.



I gave up trying to figure out what the causes of my predicament were, not like it matters anymore what has happened has happened and cannot change.


crying loved destiny eternia destiny 2 rebirth hearts


If clinical depression is real then why would it be so prevalent today? You'd think it would have been bred out over thousands of years since sad people aren't going to have the energy to seek out mates.


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Did you know sad women exist and they don't have to seek out mates?

This is an obvious route for all negative male traits to be passed down to new males.


Women can't experience true depression


I'm reading Atomic habits. The book mentions that goals aren't the focus. The focus should be maintaining the system that and that the goals will happen along the way. An example from the book.

"The goal is not to learn an instrument, the goal is to become a musician."

Essentially the system that enables the goal becomes part of who you are.

Another example it gives are two people being offered a smoke.
The first says "No thanks, I'm trying to quit".
The second says "No thanks, I'm not a smoker".
The difference being going from someone who's trying to stop doing something to being someone who doesn't do it.

A small difference I would say but one that enables easier behaviour change. Think of yourself as the person you want to be. Do the things that person would because you are that person.

I wonder what dreams you guys have. I hope that you are able to accomplish them!!! Ganbatte!(๑•ㅂ•)و✧

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