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Cute squids
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hate splatroon and its chaotic motion sickness inducing gameplay. even the characters look incredibly obnoxious. hate everything about this game including the fanbase.
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Tried Splatoon on one of the free weekends and didn't like it.
I am a L337 Overwatch/CS professional though.
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>>640470what is wrong with these keyboard women
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>>615884I actually ended up getting into it hard at the end of August, which was also when the updates and most of the events ended unfortunately. At least I didn't happen to miss the grand finale and everything though. Played hard till mid october when I got bored again. Forced myself to boot it up last week for the now once a season splatfest, and to try and max out this seasons catalog even though I only have about a month left to do it. If I manage I probably won't touch it again till April.
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console shooters i find pretty boring i dont like invasive anticheats my only enjoyment comes from trolling and exploiting