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>>615112Going by yourself seems like a terrible idea.
>>615113Why not just go by yourself then?
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you will go to japan and you will play the splatfes
>>615146Working hard is for retards
And your point about being excluded from society doesn't matter if you're already excluded.
It's like when I returned from Japan my mom asked me what it was like being surrounded by strange bugpeople that I'm not a part of and I realized that it was exactly like being at home since as a cel I'm excluded from society as a bottom caste dreg as well.
>>615157What's that got to do with what I said? Clearly you're not educated. Working hard might get you to Japan full time, though.
>"working hard" will get you nowhere in life except an early graveRight. Look up countries by life expectancy. Whatever. You're going to get buck broken, which I'd welcome anyway.
Work smarter not harder. By the way working smart is still working hard but you can't do either so there's that.
>>615104if you are that cripple retard fuck you kys
otherwise i you spend 4 hours a day you might achieve elementary school level of japanese N5 basically
>>615178isn't that was tshit was doing
when is he going over there to trick some poor OL into a sexless cel marriage
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>>615187I can't say the alphabet and increment a number for each letter in my head that fast, is she a genius or am I dumb?