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No. 615086

I just told mom that I could have had a normal life with a wife and children if wasn't for her forcing me to break up with a girl when I was 15
Cunt said she doesn't remember doing that, then I told her "If you beat someone up, you might forget about it. But the beaten one will never forget it"

She got mad about it and started being a defensive like "Am I to blame for everything now?"
Fucking cunt can't stand hearing about the horrible things she did, and I am only getting started, I can't wait for next week to let her know about other things she did that made me the fuck up I am, until I get to tell her everything I became, the amalgamation of all her sins and mistakes


You got owned Chad now you're stuck here with us


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Imagine forbidding your teenage son from dating a girl and they grow up to be a NEET hopeless romantic

Such an L for that bitch


love single moms


Us failed norms never stood a chance


dont blame dad for anything if anything i blame god for giving me the schizo brain but not in the fun way like dani has


parents isolated me in the country and had to commute every day to an all boys high school

had basically no opportunity to casually interact with girls during the important formative years

and by the time i had freedom i was already a demented freak and my brain had crystallised


getting sick of girlfriend having normals larping as losers on ota


You can't talk shit about women and whine about never having sex if you have never dated one and had sex


even the celest cel can still get a date not sure about the flipping part


stolen post


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