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No. 612546

Guess where I am.




File: 1709501266194.png (150.66 KB, 470x556, akko stupid 1709270742462….png)

My mom was telling me there must be a printing error because there's Chinese letters on her drink and the M was upside down.

I explained to her it's an anime joke reference.

She was like "oh haha I'm old I wouldn't get that", but I assured her most young people wouldn't either.


500ml of horse cum


Dip into another universe with WcDonald's Isekai! Be transported to an 'otherworld' through the new Savory Chili WcDonald's Sauce. While supplies last.


I miss when anime was reserved for the weird kids and norms stayed out of it


wish i had been born later so i could have hung with the cool kids and had a gf who was down with anime


You could've had THAT girl who also liked anime back then


anime has always been for the norms all the trujaypee bros read visual novels


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Hated those girls because they were always dating those guys and they would stand around Mr. Redman's room with the rest of us nerdy losers but unlike us losers they wouldn't be playing mtg or yugiohs or discussing gay nerd shit they would be awkwardly engaging in PDA making everyone near them feel weird but I suppose they were right since they all became fully decorated norms with happy lives while I ended up on ota.


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>trevor and ota


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Requesting the anime club poster picture you know the one, I think it has Misaka on it


divide all the wealth of the us between each person and each person gets about 400k.
cool… but that's minus any wealth they already have. you have to buy your house and any property and live the rest of your life on that in the economy you just destroyed (even if you only did it once you just destroyed the trust in the economy and you didn't do anything for future generations)

retards will easily burn through 400k in 2-5 years, and then what?

this is also ignoring the fact that supposed stock wealth collapses because owning stakes in companies where someone can bowser's revolution at any given point is far less valuable due to being less stable. and you don't even have companies anymore

but you may be saying to yourself 400k is epic and you'd gladly destroy the largest economy in the world with consequences difficult to comprehend to have 400k on paper. why stop at the US which is peak wealth and peak capitalism? surely all that wealth was stolen from the rest of the world. divide the world wealth by each person and you get like 60k per person after having destroyed human civilization.

wow it's fucking nothing. unless you're that much of a commie loser that's less wealth than even you have. do you still want this? I doubt it


Wrong thread dude.


So cool! I love brands! Big corporations are our friends!


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if this is based on anime why does the promotional art have so many black people


um there's a boycott



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