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No. 612108

Why is the average height in Northern Italy 6'3/1,9m? They don’t look white but they are all tall and mog me to death. I am the shortest manlet in Milano Centrale train station besides pajeet immigrants. Also they speak Lombard and not Italian so I can’t understand anything with their bbzzzshhhhszhhs babble.

I heard 4 Lombards arguing about which car the terroni buy when they get their Camorra money. One said a Porsche the other said Ford Mustang. They were laughing loudly and were quite passionate about it.

I need to go to the slums of Napoli maybe I won’t get towered there. This is too brutal.


that's what i'm saying


File: 1709166421228.jpg (83.24 KB, 850x599, 1708760107671.jpg)

Northern Italy is actually Germany/Switzerland bro.

My ancestors were the meatball eggplants from down south.


being tall is a caveat, but I don't see it as being a problem for me…

you are based from the ground but slightly higher while i'm poor constantly so its in my interest to at least be tall, i'm like every other guy


What if eating food in public was considered as bad as defecating or urinating or copulating in public.


that guy I know runs some watering holes but he always has a weary modus towards head foggers and I drift off


ota's server is in milan


File: 1709225607695.jpg (Spoiler Image, 174.94 KB, 576x1024, mpv-italy 1699874337666815….jpg)

Snapped a pic of otamin


>that guy I know runs some watering holes but he always has a weary modus towards head foggers and I drift off
what does this mean


Just the way I pictured him


This bitch. She went to Italy to study cooking along with a bunch of gay students and apparently they have a thing of whipping out their dicks and calls me out. I get pissed off, whip it out, and she's not even looking at me. Says she's seen enough to tell the size by face and went back to cooking. Now I got my dick in my hand looking like a retard.



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