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This is the most PS1 game ever
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>>610589What the fuck is he cooking?
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>I came up with the idea of left brain and right brain
>>610617This guy uses
all of his brain to think? Wow they don't call him a prodigy for nothing.
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Hey, you. You're finally awake.
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this is what cats look like according to nintendo
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>>610687Uhhhhhhhhh that's Atlus
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>Chucking cult hidden in a dimensional portal underneath a village where they throw you into the void without a care.
Weirdest part of the game.
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I'm a gAImer
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Will probably finish Eternal Arcadia today. I seem to be very close to the end, I even teared up a little when one of the characters 9/11's their ship into the enemy base
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Open in a new tab and look at what it does to the water and bricks.
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yes it does actually feel like yesterday
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Spoilers, Japanese wedding veil.
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What a game. So much soul. Such an adventure. They even told you what happened to all the characters in the credits. Wonderful final cutscene.
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Restarted Shadow Tower. This game is very easy to permanently fuck up and it's hard to recover from. You end up underleveled with a lack of gear/items.
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New game from the people who made Cineris Somnia, a Japanese indie "walking sim" that a lot of people didn't like it, but I liked the art a lot. Very dream like, but not like a "video game dream level", more like a realistic nightmare. This seems to be their second game. No.611590
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Finished Shadow Tower. It's actually pretty short, especially if you already knew what to do. The game oddly drops off in difficulty towards the end. Was decent but I enjoyed King's Field more.
Started Koudelka, visually beautiful game by PS1 standards. It's vaguely related to the later Shadow Hearts games on PS2.
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do you see an issue with this
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>>61159613 looks exactly like her adult model and they just shrunk the sliders on her body.
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>>611680Why'd OP delete his/her thread though?
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>>611684Kinda got that Unreal Engine 4 tech demo vibe…
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>>611709This shader actually does support interlacing, but I know whatever you're calling "interlacing" isn't it.
PS1 had some content at 480i, notably the BIOS logo, you may remember it shaking and flickering because of that, but almost all games are 240p. You can see how there's 240 lines on these screenshots, although taking a screenshot of 480i content will also only show 240 lines because only half are being drawn on any given frame, effectively making it 240p anyway but with shaking/flicker. Interlaced content was overall a stupid idea in retrospect.
The interlacing on this shader is actually quite advanced, it draws odd lines on one frame and even lines on the next frame, just like how a CRT interlaced scan works. This creates a flickering and shaking effect but I do like it.
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>>611759Unfortunately I've already played them all and there's nothing left to do but play old games.
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It does feel very 1994 to me, before 5th-gen consoles. They probably thought this kind of faux-3D on rails shooter was cool.
When I think of the 90s I don't typically think of the earlier half. I see that as the last frontier in human history before the technological revolution. At least in the west, sort of the last semblances of innocence or ignorance before widespread instant global communication and information.
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i see a horse on the hand, a black dove flying away from the moon and a detached upside down face yelling at the guy's forearm
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Finished Koudelka, I could've done it like a week ago really. It can be pretty short, speedrun is like 40 minutes with no major skips.
I liked the game, the art is great, but I really see the problems with this game so strongly now.
Basically outside of the first portion of the game there is no difficulty at all. You essentially become immune to damage and there's no way to die if you just level up defense stats.
There is a couple key items placed throughout the game that if you miss, you have to backtrack and get. It doesn't feel good to wander around the map (with random battle encounters) looking for some item you can barely see against the 2D pre-rendered background.
>>612339Inkblot pilled
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game looks so much better without the eye cancer crt filter
>>612341play shadow hearts now it's a better game
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Started FF8, I already learned the junction system which put me off the game the first time I tried.
I heard you can completely break the game before even the first fight so I'm just gonna avoid the card game and try not to be autistic about drawing.
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>>612343I plan on playing Shadowhearts and a bunch of other PS2 games once
there's finally a good PS2 Retroarch core No.612412
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They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we wuz SeeDs
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>>612398Just use the nightly builds of PCSX2. Don't get the Retroarch autism.
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This is exactly like THAT picture by typo_(requiemdusk)
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>Girlfriend tells your her crackhead idea
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Squall is my new favorite character, he's so autistic I like when says …Whatever or insults females
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my favorite game
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>>612654what bussy does to a mf
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This game is peak PS1 isn't it. I feel a little bad because I don't think there's going to be anything better than this in the PS1 library.
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Uh huh huh huh huh
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Did you know the FF8 remaster doesn't support analog controls? Or rumble?
And all the 2D pre-rendered backgrounds are exactly the same, they couldn't update them, so you just have updated high resolution 3D models clashing with them.
The definitive version is PS1 on CRT (shader) fo sho.
The way FMVs seamlessly transition into gameplay blows my mind I actually don't understand how they did it.
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>>613539PC piracy is over, Denuvo won
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this is so gay everyone is a weeb now
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there better be fanservice it's all these games are good for