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Good riddance.
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Tea no, if ota goes down again /jp/ will die.
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He calls himself a monster hunter but he spends more than half the time chugging heals and carting to shitmons all while refusing to learn the most basic mechanics of his weapon 200+ hours into the game I'm thinking T is a fraud.
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Domain is also cancelled and on sale.
I won't be back here again, either.
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see you next manic phase T-dawg
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>>608575also do you want me to ask my cousin about what meds he used to get his bpd under control?
Hes doing a lot better with his job and everything now.
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oh boy time for trevors biyearly meltdown where he deletes his site ``for good'' and brings it back 2 weeks later
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T, no. I am all alone now it's a really scary feeling.
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I'm bored.
bring it back already.
and stream too.
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a girl can beat iceborne but t cant
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hey whatmin i've been meaning to write an email for a long time now but i kept procrastinating but seeing how gnfos went down and knowing these things make you feel bad even if trev-trev's gonna bring it back next week anyway i might as well post it here
maybe you could enable posting on /what/ now?
i know you mentioned your concern is the small amount of space available but honestly imageboards are meant to be an ephemeral thing anyway and i think you could get away with like 50 pages or so which will probably take a long time to fill anyway since i don't think there will be a lot of people posting
the other concern you mentioned is not really wanting to deal with moderating an imageboard again but this is potentially a thing i could help you out with - this would be in a limited capacity though unfortunately but i could check on the site for any cp on a daily basis at the very least
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>>608606It's not as simple as "enable posting", there's no functional vichan install at all, it's just static webpages with the minimum required to display properly.
Now, yes I could install PHP and MariaDB and set them up, probably change out Apache for nginx because I'm not a boomer (/what/ ran on lighttpd) although it's not necessary.
Something inside me tells me I just shouldn't. It's a huge commitment for me, and mentally I'm just much more tired and lack the drive I had when I was a teenager and ran /what/.
You are free to do it yourself, once you have a functional webserver with PHP and MySQL db enabled, vichan install is essentially just putting the files into the web root and running through an installer webpage. Move everything out of webserver root and start with a blank directory beforehand.
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it's been gone for a few hours and they're already making us eat the bugs
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Just woke up. What set him off this time?
>>608607>You are free to do it yourselfthat would just feel wrong…
and i understand you, sorry if i am making you feel pressured, there wouldn't be most likely any point to it anyway as most people have simply moved on, i guess i just want it back for nostalgia's sake and i also feel like having the spinoffs go down personally affects you
also is everything okay? you don't have to answer if you don't feel like, i'm the same age as you are and i also feel very lacking in drive and drained, but i think that can be mostly explained away by having a shitty job
apart from having that brief data entry job thing you had pre-covid you're still an eleeto-neeto right?
anyway maybe when i get the time and the will maybe i'll do what you suggest…
>>608612he should be 28 or 27 now, he was like 16 when he started /what/
we're still teenbros right….
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this is what happens when you try to move up from taco bell and mcdonalds to straight ground beef too quickly
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Ronaldinho Soccer 64 reference.
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I won't be back here again, either.
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>>608658Just watched his last stream, he really did it because he died to a Monster Hunter enemy and said you can thank that.
Wtf Tea come on, please tell me this is just some temporary domain rental thing, gnfos is now some Turkroach online casino.
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>>608734it took me 3 hours to upload this to prove you're a liar
File: 1705114825683.png (2.47 MB, 1991x1057, 1702866944364610.png)

you're a double liar
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he actually didn't stream today im feeling abandonment anxiety
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>>608763you've been left behind by all of us even tshit has moved on and has a ccgf now
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it's ok he was working to save up for the revival of no-you
>>608679If Trev is the rare male BPD, then his actions are pretty typical.
Unfortunately, male BPDs are an absolute waste of carbon, even morso than the female ones.
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OOOOOHHHHH SHHIIIIITTTT Please forgive my rudeness OOOOOHHHHH MYYYYY GOOOODDDDDDDDD Please forgive my rudenessPlease forgive my rudenessPlease forgive my rudenessPlease forgive my rudeness
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i miss you trevor come back
File: 1705138046020.png (35.77 KB, 975x551, pathofexileisbadforyou.png)

he probably did need to change something I guess
he spent like literally 25% of december playing poew
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>>608805doesn't that prove that he would rather be a streamer and play video games all day
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Merorin won
File: 1705161866025.jpeg (319.38 KB, 1500x1707, GDsFQoZbUAAguX7.jpeg)

at least he's too dead to see this embarassment
1. Copy and paste the following to Notepad.
2. Save it with the filename "4chan.js"
3. Open the file you saved.
4. ???
5. Shit bricks.
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File: 1705262155170.jpg (171.91 KB, 1500x2566, 1705234535604444.jpg)

>>608910can you blame him?
File: 1705264404774.png (7.72 KB, 265x100, wtflmao.png)

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even if he's not into jp anymore i'd still hang out with the guy who knows maybe i'll call him up we'll go out share a a few brewskis meet some ladies have a good time you know
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the cheese pizza menace is killing all my favorite websites this has to stop
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i cared
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He just wanted to rebrand from GNFOS
The whole "gay n1ggers from outer space" and friendish thing was a bit too 2016 /pol/ tier and he grew out of it
I am looking forward to whatever the domain and name is.
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porka needs to start listening to Jordan Peterson and clean her room…
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File: 1705371262526.jpg (97.94 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Endro - 03 ….jpg)

So he's just gonna pretend to not stream anymore? Fucking useless buddy just do your one job it's literally the reason you were put on this earth.
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>>609096beating this trash game then selling the channel to an indian casino 2
Playing Monster Hunter: World for 9 viewers
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>>609106Redpill me on these weird mafia handlers vtubers have
Like they can just say you can't be <vtuber> anymore or they'll DMCA you? lol kind of sad
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>>609108Yeah, but they also give you an average of 400k USD salary for 3-30 hours of "work" per week.
And women turn into complete boring whores when unmoderated.
Also she apparently might have tarded out and leaked inside trading info.
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>>609106Crying. Never thought I would see the day where Merumeru of all people gets terminated. She was one of the oldest members and also one of the nicest and kindest liked and respected by everyone and responsible for like half of the hires. This is too sad…
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The cock was too short or empty.
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huh is there something that links mel to gn? funny they both get terminated with less than one week apart
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I'd just check jp clips T, they've at least done king slime, queen bee, eye/brain of cthulu, and then died to wall of flesh some No.609284
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gn is down and you guys still don't post on mero?
For whom did I even make the board.
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>>609292Not a fan of the captcha and the retard spammer manually solves it from his mud hut anyway.
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that's actually quite cheap
>>609300less than 3 dollars for 300gb of ssd space and 6gb ram is ridiclously cheap, there's gotta be a catch somewhere
it doesn't say anything about how many vcpus it has or if it comes with a dedicated ipv4 address
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backyard huh?
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Cancel this bitch for misinformation.
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quantity < quality
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draw the swamp
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Noel's brother won't talk to her anymore and she thinks it's because found out who she is and thinks it's disgraceful.
>>609516the bau baus deserve 5 bucks
no more no less
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>Trevor, 2026
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>>609585 shit wtf
hundreds of checks a day to make sure her husband isn't cheating at all times
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this is too much
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what was nintendo thinking
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come home fandead
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-good smell
-very very nice body
-very kind
-very sweet
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>>609834She's just like me…
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>>609916he's obviously mocking stoic hopeless romantics (you)
it's not that complicated
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Yeah I can see why this outfit will mostly be for members streams only.
>>609932You'd have to be some sort of low IQ simplord to not hate women in today's age.
All of the most intelligent men to ever walk the Earth either hated or ignored women and they were able to figure it out before shit went to Hell.
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another streamless night except this time its worse because its the weekend and im sitting here alone in a dark room thinking about trebor because ive developed a parasocial relaitonship with him and he doesnt even know i exist hes too busy making 6figs with a cozy work from home job while beating off thirsty whores left and right and im just a loser crying and i cant stop
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What is your 6 figure job?
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Even after booth and youtube and cover's cut they made basically 1M usdbetween merch and super chats I'd assume they see 20-30% of that.
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hes spent like 12 hours fighting this monkey why is he so bad just sos at that point you fucking suck
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towa is going on a month long break what's she going to do?
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>>610096>Started 11 hours agoThe perfect woman…
This is quickly devolving into factorio and I don't even know why. there's not even anything you can do with all these resources.
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selfie for the boys
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>>610190check the filename
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there's deadmom and there's failedmom
>>610294hmm? what is up with
Mio now?
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Imagine having to log into the work laptop instead of doing important stuff.
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Unbelievable how this single show made him realize the value of time which caused him to fundamentally rethink his life.
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oh please, he's a guy, he hits the wall much later, if I can get a date with a 21 year old at 29, he can absolutely pick up some girl, he's like 6'1 and would actually look nice if he got a real haircut and shaved or started working out