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I want to stop being depressed and retarded. I tried to leave imageboards for good but I have nothing else to do and will just lay in bed drifting in and out of sleep if I don't have something to refresh. I did go outside for a few days. I went to the library and read a book for an hour. I went to the book store but I didn't have any specific title in mind and I couldn't find anything. I went to the second hand store to look for clothes but again I couldn't find anything. I don't know what to do with my life. I should study something that I find interesting, but most days I just don't have the energy or motivation to even get out of bed. I have a hard time with academics too. Oftentimes I have to read a page multiple times because I'll get distracted by some random thought while I'm reading and once I'm at the end of the page I'll realize that I've spent the whole time fixated on my thoughts and all of the words I read went in one ear and out the other without being processed at all. I don't know what to do…
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I covered up my windows and shut down my electronic devices and took a large dose of mushrooms and laid in my bed in the dark in the hopes of pulling myself out of whatever depressive pit I've fallen into where I can't enjoy anything at all unless I dope myself up with feelgood pills.
I experienced many strange things over the course of several hours. I went through that trope of a character having a conversation with multiple versions of themselves. I got to "see" outside of the perceptions of a human brain, which was a different reality altogether. I was completely disassembled multiple times and had to slowly pull myself together and remember how to think starting from the most basic infantile thoughts.
That was a few weeks ago and it didn't do anything to help my mood, or force me to want to continue my mundane life of wageslaving and cooking small meals for myself and staring at glowing rectangles. If anything I feel like I saw more than I should have.
>>607284you can literally imagine anything try to think of something you cant think of then realize you just thought of the thing you couldnt think of
drugnorms fried their synapses and dont have the ability anymore and have to chase after it with weird plants and scary pills
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>I got to "see" outside of the perceptions of a human brain, which was a different reality altogether.
what did you see
"ah nah man i cant actually articulate it"
probably like those npcs who dont have an inner voice then take acid and realise they can think
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pretty shit
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went for a long lonely evening walk along the shoreline
beginning to think there wont be a good ending
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Relieved to be back in my room
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thinking of getting a whole new furniture setup
mostly just live on the bed
not quite sure what the optimum setup is anymore but think being on the bed all the time is not good
maybe i could sit in a chair or small couch or something
i like to use the computer in bed though
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>>607784need a kozy kotatsu but such things are not sold here
i could probably make one
and get a nice rug
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less bored than usual which is nice
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thinking i might have to build my own bedframe nothing i can find really meets my aesthetic requirements
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>>607859Otamin christmas miracle
>>607908if a man said that about an underage girl i would comfort him and tell him he did well for having a lolifriend in the first place
sine its about a boy however my reaction is just an internal one of disgust and gladness that the boy left
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Boys flashing their pps is just expected of them and we all subconsciously know this to be true. They're unkept little brats that can fap their pps by age 13 after all.