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Yeah I remember /qa/ before frogposters took it over but I stopped browsing once it was literally all frogs and wojaks.
The sharty was born out of that right?
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miss iichan
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>Get call
>Your son shot up a school
>Btw you're also being arrested for the murders
That's all that dad knew, he woke up expecting a normal day. It's completely evil and unjustified. They're trying to make it sound like "oh you didn't store the guns exactly how the government told you to so now you're charged with murder h3h" as if that law should even fucking exist in the first place, but REGARDLESS they are going to arrest the parents now. It doesn't matter what you did or didn't do, it doesn't matter if you've never seen a gun in your life, they're sending the message that your kid does a school shooting = parents arrested NO MATTER WHAT.
Literally evil, unjustifiable, tyrannical, dystopian, and literally against the bible (child not punished for parent's crime, and vice versa)
Pisses me off hearing they arrested the parent on murder charges and people are actively cheering for the state. These people will remain ignorant until the state comes for them too.