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No. 605423

omegle.com shutdown day

The wording is very "disguised" but it is clearly saying they shutdown due to pressure from glownÍggers and NGOs over illegal use

(more on that in the next post)


>In recent years, it seems like the whole world has become more ornery. [..] a constant barrage of attacks on communication services, Omegle included, based on the behavior of a malicious subset of users.

They're not saying it's the pedos that are "attacking", the "attacks" are because of pedos

>To an extent, it is reasonable to question the policies and practices of any place where crime has occurred. I have always welcomed constructive feedback; and indeed, Omegle implemented a number of improvements based on such feedback over the years. However, the recent attacks have felt anything but constructive. The only way to please these people is to stop offering the service. Sometimes they say so, explicitly and avowedly; other times, it can be inferred from their act of setting standards that are not humanly achievable. Either way, the net result is the same.

No matter how strong Omegle made its moderation, it was never enough to appease "them". They either wanted Omegle to just shutdown, or have "standards that are not humanly achievable" i.e. upload your selfie and ID and phone number to prove your age and identity


>Virtually every online communication service has been subject to the same kinds of attack as Omegle; and while some of them are much larger companies with much greater resources, they all have their breaking point somewhere.
>a physical-world analogy might be shutting down Central Park because crime occurs there

With more third-worlders than ever on the internet, there's a bit of a problem that never existed before. They literally just don't care about cp laws because they live in Bumfuckistan, they post illegal content on Myspace, a lot of people don't know this but Myspace is the largest cp site in the world according to NCMEC stats.

This is tragic because it endangers regular internet users who live in oppressive tyrannical countries with draconian laws like USA/EU/Anglosphere, and gets sites shutdown until the internet is even more centralized on major glownÍgger corporate platforms that want verified ID to even use.


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I really care about, and appreciate, your intelligent, insightful, and valuable insights on this topic.


Stop bypassing the filter, the oatman doesn't want you using that word here


Shut up GLOWbuddy


OP is especially retarded considering they made a south park episode about how omegle and chatroulette are 99% guys jerking off in front of teenagers. Government faggots are just realizing what everyone between 8 and 25 knew 15 years ago.


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I talked to biological females on a few occasions there but they mentioned straight away that they were either fat or on the spectrum or both. The solution would be to ban turd worlders altogether. China, Japan, Korea they don't feel about barring the whole world away from their usernets but they usually make exceptions for other slant eyed nations like uh… China, Japan and Korea.


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>on the spectrum
This is a good thing


I don't care, or even like them a little chubby.


none of them would have sex with you


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And? I'm happy just seeing them make youtube videos about their autistic interests. I feel a vicarious connection to them, with empathy and love that makes me want to fuck them more than normal girls.


too much of a sperg to even use it never even knew what to talk about


That doesn't work. They use open proxies and cheap cloud hosting sites that don't give a shit to proxy their traffic as coming from europe


yeah i don't care


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that's why you are still a virgin and also gay


Years ago my friend met a girl on there that he eventually convinced to drive to his house and take his virginity


The Internet is ruined because there exist countries where freedom on the Internet is respected. Huh?
The solution is clearly for everyone to move out of places where the laws are draconian and where the internet is made a worse place to places where the internet is free and there are no stupid rules.


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Kinda miss Omegle threads, they were fun


Also, getting really tired of the pedohysteria moral panic witch hunt.

Christianity and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


virgin mary mother of god was 12 when she gave birth


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All sites that aren't controlled by them will close. All JP spinoffs.
4chan is the biggest honeypot so it will stay of course. The controlled opposition.

I get like three warnings from my hoster a month because of the CP spam. Only a matter of time until I have to close mero


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>I get like three warnings from my hoster a month because of the CP spam

Wow I didn't think they'd be that aware of it, someone is probably reporting it. Maybe otamin only comes back every couple weeks after getting an email…

You know how the entire world switched from HTTP to HTTPS? Maybe the free internet is going to entirely move to onion-routing.


Hima is gone
Why must everything I love die


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Have you seen >>>/ghost/ ?

Not that I have any problems with it, I would even be okay with otamin creating a board for you. I used to think Hima was literally one person posting thousands of posts like

mom made coffee gunno sip just shat my dipe


You don't understand you had to be there watch the little dark age montage to catch a glimpse of the magic we lost forever


i went to hima sometimes it was just exactly what he said
nothing of value was lost


Low IQ brainlets got filtered hard by the base hima creole


us himabros Please stick it in me
*shits diaper*
im basted
*makes cel thread on ota*
flippin baste
*asks mom to buy mcdonalds on her way home*
yep this is pasted
*posts picture of cheap fast food dinner on the official himasugi(TM) discord server*
time to feast
*slobbers mustard all over 300 pound body*


i dont read blogs i crack em


the NOT reader


Of course someone is reporting it
The very same agency that posts it
Remember sauce now? They actually proved it


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I can't always load ota sometimes it takes a few tries but I think the issue is server's hardware limitations after all oats is much bulkier now



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