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I remember when I stayed up all night to play video games. Many years later I realised that it wasn't the video games that I was interested in but their social aspect and all of them were online multiplayer/coop. Turns out I was never a gamer but an attention seeking norm.
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More King Field's 3 in the meantime. I was close to looking something up but glad I didn't give up in the end. I think the reason this one didn't hook me as much as the first two was it starts off a bit difficult and maze-like, but now I've been hooked again.
>>605048Have you ever played WoW (classic) in a raiding guild? I don't think I'll ever do it again as it's almost like a job, but there was something special about 40+ people who have all put hundreds of hours into the game working together, bonding over 1-2 years, talking in voice chat.
File: 1699224741064.jpg (289.67 KB, 1400x926, sample-3b1e58a15734c674fc7….jpg) other video on this guy's channel gets a few thousand views at best. He made a Quest 64 video and gets >300k views in a month.
To be fair, it's very well edited and funny, but it's weird how the yt algo just decides to make a video go viral.
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What a vibe
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Ryo beats up Izumi while the Tomato Maato theme plays. No.605375
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A gamer must game
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This is likely the first instance of a blacksmith in a Fromsoft game
He is also depressed and tells you he doesn't feel like making anything, despite uhh… sitting there with a forge hammering something
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It's not a love triangle, it's a Ménage à trois
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Sega Saturn niggas be like
*game is literally just an interview with some dude*
*game has real faces copy/pasted on enemies*
*game is literally just softcore Japanese porn*
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How I feel playing Dreamcast
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>>605747It was a different time.
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Objective: Kill God
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I can probably beat KF3 tomorrow.
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cloud's flying mcchicken
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Such a comfy setting…
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>>606332I've planned on playing Shadow Hearts for a long time.
I probably will once the new PCSX2 core for Retroarch is released, although I've been waiting for that to play a lot of PS2 games.
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What a game. This did so many things right, even with the technical restraints holding it back.
KF1 was level based, and KF2 took place on a relatively small island, while this game had a whole world. So much soul, dark fantasy medieval fever dream adventure vibe just brutally depressing vibe
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>>606364this is awesome the servers are packed with noobs go in and slay some zoomers
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Petrograd, home…
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I forgot the Eggman chao garden existed, I thought it was going to be his goon chamber.
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