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had some fleshy growth prolapsing in my fucking nostril for some time now, sometimes it is worse than others
wasnt shrinking or going away so hit it with the steroid spray then some otravin to open up the sinus then inserted my finger in there and pushed up to the second nuckle and shoved it up somewhere deep dont know where it actually goes but seems better for now
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>>604818my apologies, but the thread title should reflect that then
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I can't live here anymore. This is a mental prison. I feel constrained in so many ways. I have to go. Move somewhere far. Move to east asia. Even if nobody wants me there. It wouldn't make a lick of difference because nobody wants me here either but people don't have the guts to say that to my face. Maybe I'll finally be at peace when I'm in true solitude with nobody I can turn to.
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went to the supermarket and some young lad was being flogged by security for stealing mr beast chocolate bars
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I still take reishi mushroom sometimes.
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started eating steel cut oats
soaked overnight, rinsed, boiled till thick, golden syrup and cream
best porridge ive ever had
can even add a little psyllium for extra fiber
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It's cold. And I don't mean the temperature.
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>>604949>>604950Now this is oat posting
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gonna give up caffeine
will have to buy some of that barley tea that anime girls drink
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>>604998I drink a lot of coffee and tea I won't ever give it up.
>>604997Is working and reproducing really that much more fulfilling
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>>605011No, but they might have an equally socially retarded sister they play video games with and make cringe videos. No.605021
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>>604783who asked you
>>604787who asked you
>>604789who asked you
>>604793who asked you
>>604816who asked you
>>604853who asked you
>>604869who asked you
>>604885who asked you
>>604886who asked you
>>604943who asked you
>>604997who asked you
>>604998who asked you
>>605001who asked you
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>>605023The Arch forum jannies are some of the worst I've ever seen, autism levels off the chart, don't even bother.
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>>605091It's an institution not a hive. We're humans not bees or ants. We're conditioning for government/corporate control of your life, not making… hexagons and sugar vomit…
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wasn't me haha
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I've been watching the Space Runaway Ideon.
Was kinda boring for a long stretch there, even though there is a lot of giant robot spaceship fights in every single epsiode. But then stuff started happening again.
Main character has funny hair
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>>605205He's dead. He likely killed himself over the crypto crash (although not the only reason)
I know most of /jp/ didn't like him, but still, he's preferable to the fucking garbage like the poster above me.
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Yeah. Good times.
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he joined the 41%
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Been feeling worse than usual lately and not coming out of the slump. Feeling lethargic and sad and even broke into spontaneous crying whimpers when watching anime I'm starting to fear that I'm reaching the predetermined limits of my loneliness scale it's been a few years since mom left and I've been living alone in what's basically solitary confinement outside of the occasional brief recess. My options are few in how to solve this ranging from morbid to impossible.
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>>605220>>605226Yeah maybe Persona 4 or 5
Or some Overwatch/CS2 for real-life teammates
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sigh the cel blues autumn edition claim another victim
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i hate everybody who says sigh
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>>605289don't hate me but i say sigh all the time
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>>605334Yes I've heard from the 100 /v/ threads and discord posts.
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the caffeine withdrawl has started
this is NOT going to be enjoyable
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>>605361oh my gooood how are you gonna get out of this one derppppo
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Recently I joined a jirai kei Discord.
Never seen so many girls in one server before.
I feel like I'm the only boy among hundreds of menheras.
It's a scary thought.
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Society owes me catfish
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one single is allowed
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How can I get an autistic gf without having to approach them myself
>>605685 Like, literally!!!!!
>>605696 Spend your life doing something interesting that will draw her to you. My autistic gf found me this way.
>>605769Things girls are interested in.
So basically just food, television, top 40 music, Chad, dogs and cats, and social media.
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>>605803Sounds extremely similar to North Korean music like Moranbong band…
I mean, a lot retro mecha/sentai music kind of just sounds like this in general, is it really just coincidence.
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I am an incomparable homo
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the ota movie review
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>>605814rather than funny my face is moreso scarycreepyugly
>>605817uh you do realize you're going to die someday regardless of how scared you are, right?
You can either have both of those fears come true, or just the first. Would you rather go through 2 scary things or just one? use your common sense here
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>>605825This happened to my friend on a private WoW server but the tard admins were asking him to type stuff without realizing they blocked his chat and then thought he was a bot because he didn't type back
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>>643757Basically someone lied and said hymens looked like that, it's been in medical textbooks ever since, and everyone has sort of just believed it like Darwinian evolution because real hymens are extremely difficult to see even on the internet.