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File: 1696811731864.jpg (42.33 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Space Brothers - ….jpg)

No. 600649

Whenever something bad happens to a girl and I almost start to have some misplaced empathy, I remember that every female in the world hates me and despises me and would gleefully prefer me dead over quite possibly anything else.


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Girls despised my existence until a friendish doctor performed a satanic kabbalah ritual on my face now my life has value to them but they still have no value to me


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Cel image for you guys about the recent Israel happening

Not my taste, but I figure you weirdos like Turt would appreciate


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dont recognize left girl




And you call yourself an otaku?


yeah seeing a picture of some dead foid being sat on in the back of a truck by muslim and almost feeling bad is what made me remember that if our paths crossed while she were alive she would do her very best to ignore me and if she couldn't, she would insult, humiliate, and wish I didnt exist.
And if we were in reversed positions she would be laughing at me and cheering with her friends that another ugly boy was wiped off the faced of the earth slightly diminishing the chance that she might have ever have to interact with one instead of with a chad


dont see the resemblence they should have drawn her tail the ribbon is not enough of a clue


It was for everyone else


I remember seeing video of a hag face down under a bunch of ayrabs in a pickup, and they put up a photo fo the slut from the rave earlier. I've never been so happy in a while


Please stick it in me


Girls have a very valuable resource called a womb and they don't give it away freely. They trade it for the assurance of resources for them and their young and for good genes for the young too.

Males evolved to monopolize all the resources they could so that other competing men and women didn't have it, so then they could trade it for as many wombs as possible.

Nobody is at fault here but evolution (degeso)


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Evolutionary psychology is considered pseudoscience even among Darwinists.

It's also contradicted by the vast prevalence of negative traits found in humans and animals, that by your own logic, would have been bred out millions of years ago or never existed in any significant lasting population to begin with.


Evolutionary psychology is considered pseudo-science by leftists because it doesn't allow them to write baseless essays about how every human behaviour is the result of oppression from the systemic industrial complex.

Everyone else knows the human brain was not excluded from evolution.


everyone knows youre a retard

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