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>>600645things like HR, security/security management, IT, middle management in general, scrum/agile/project managers, finance department, etc. where you just have 2 hours or less of work most days
university admin bloat is also a field that is just full of this crap
>>600646>IT, middle management in general, scrum/agile/project managers, finance department, etc. where you just have 2 hours or less of work most daysAll me.
It's the best job ever because it's the closest to being a NEET.
A couple months ago my boss asked if I could spend 1 hour a day interviewing agile candidates and I told him I'm too overworked for that (i work like 2 hours a day, I am an incomparable homo)
>>600660>>600651i woudln't recommend project management to a goody-2-shoes /jp/anon…
you have to be an asshole neurotypical sociopath with zero empathy to be able to do this job (or be like me: at the end of your rope + extremely autistic + have a fiery rage against normies but can suck it up and pretend to be a normie)
watch the movie nightcrawler
that's the kind of mentality you need to become a project manager
you need to BULLSHIT and lie about your experience to even have a chance
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I knew the 2010s were the "good old days" while I was living them.
Possibly the best period of the internet that will ever exist. We had the technology, and none of the enshittification.
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>>6019222017 is now the good old days
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>>601922it was a shit year but still way better than the 20s
>>601908I remember those threads!
Nothing happened on that date…
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Tea will certainly bring gnfos now that all his Shartstone threads got nuked
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Bring it back I need somewhere to upload weebms
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literally browsing gee en right now