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No. 598154

I think I understand why the governments are importing so many people, especially men.
If you saw anything that happened in Ukraine this year, you realized modern war is different, but similar to what it was in the past. Most men die without ever seeing combat. They are given equipment just incase, but it is known that they will likely never use it. They go to the front lines just to die and force the enemy into using their dwindling resources. The life expectancy at one point was just a few hours long, and that battle lasted months. The US government leaked estimates a few months ago that said about 500,000 have died in total from both sides.

Now think…..

Would Ukraine have faired better if they had just finished importing a million military age men into the country?
Obviously the answer is yes. 1 million men would be two or more extra years of constant bloodshed in the Ukraine war. Not just that, but it could also mean more costly pushes could be attempted, and possibly a quicker end to the war.
It could be a mere coincidence both Europe and North America suddenly have complete open boarders policies. But I don't think so. There were mass migration events before, but not like this.
I believe it may be possible the world governments are preparing for a war, and these men they bring in are going to be drafted.
Just think, ALL of this is completely illegal, but they are not even trying to hide it and even though political parties will promise to stop it, they willingly choose not to (see Italy).


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oatmeal pls dont del


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The answer is actually a lot more simple, and has been the same for all of history.

The rich want cheap labor (slaves).

Immigration is good for the economy, just like legalizing slavery would be good for the economy.

The economy = more corporate profits, more shareholder profits, more GDP, and the capitalist elite get richer


That also makes sense.


dog shit



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He's the le meta whiner guy


they are so sexy


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yeah al adbul kareem jafar is gonna leave his cushy home and 12 year old rape pet heidi adolf and go fight on the frontlines in war for germany riiiiight


/jp/ - Politics




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/jp/ - 2D/WorldWar3Speculation


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wonder if theres a lot of ukraine gfs ripe for the picking now that the norm boys have all been cleaned up


ukraine has always had a disproportianate gender ratio its the place to go if you want to find a gf


I want to be the one being impregnated so much it hurts. Something about the taboos: how it's so wrong to be a man yet wanting to be pregnant, how wrong it is to get bred in the wrong hole with the wrong anatomy to bear a child but end up growing one inside me anyway, and the wrongness of being nominally hetero but getting turned on at the idea of carrying another man's baby in my guts. Not to mention the physical feeling of carrying a squirming, kicking, living thing in my belly that grows bigger and heavier each passing day, both the sensation of movement and the constant reminder of unmistakable consequences of my perversion. The burning humiliation and shame for how I got here and trying to function despite my impossible state and struggling to hide my changing ripening body from others, both unable and unwilling to explain my situation.




Shit, posted in the wrong tab admin please delete


delete it yourself you flippin moranis



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