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>>597569You can't catch monsters in Monster Hunter?
Don't lie to me
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just got back from the store, that was 30 minutes i spent walking outside that i otherwise wouldn't have done… thanks monster hunter!
>>597570>>597572there is a series called monster hunter stories where you do catch monsters (called monsties) but i couldn't get into that one
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>>597580i gave him a bunch of badass face scars and now i think he looks really cool
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>>597587Don't post Youtube links with their new "?si=" tracking token
The URLs still work without it.
It's especially ironic because their share links are now longer than the regular URLs
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>>597637I fap to older girls and shota cause I self-insert but not yaoi that's gay
shota -males_only
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>>597643good i've been going outside every day to play
decided to main great sword and am currently working on a build for it
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