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Over 3 Hours of Useless Fallout: New Vegas Facts fell asleep to this video.
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>>595581I have never modded a Bethesda game
I've also only played Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but NV is a certified tranny game now so I can't replay it
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I want to have friends
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does this mean i have diabetus? my chest has been hurting on the left side lately too
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There is not much to look forward to after you've been involved in a romantic relationship.
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trying to rent a car is freaking nightmare I get the feeling these rental companies don't want the business
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Cauterize - Killing Me, Something Beautiful, Choke 2000s teencore hits hard after I've had a few drinks.
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saw two squirrels having sex outside but then realized sex isnt real so the must have just been hugging but then realized that hugs arent real either so now im not really sure what happened
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How do I level up from friend to boyfriend?
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Never watched Negima
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Feeling kinda depressed tonight.
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Yuno Gasai cosplay in the woods. No.595827
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got me a new motorcycle helmet
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Apparently I have a skill that allows me to tell that a character is probably from some NTR fantasy just by looking at it.
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dentist said i had nice teeth but i didnt floss enough
thinking about buying a water flosser
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The Dark Souls 2 impenetrable waist-high pile of rubble
I killed a giant spider, a rotten turd monster, a giant fire demon, and some PREDICTABLE bitch with a sword just to get past this.
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>>595899>>595900Can you believe girls at cons know all these dances to random songs? dance party at a-kon 2023.
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What does he eat? I used to think this boss was hard, you just hit his toe and run towards his tail when he breathes fire and repeat for 5 minutes.
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nobody told me that falling off the ootobaiku would hurt
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its about that time again
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the blogger status: unleashed
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so i come back from work, totally wiped, lie down on my futon like i usually do i've been tired all week btw and then she comes up to me and says "so are you going to fuck me or what?"
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>>596433What simulates the pussy? (and don't say plastic)
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>>596449Nothing much to say. I don't remember if I was playing with the swimsuit dlc or trying to upskirt uni like nenecchi did but then dad came and said no more jap porn games on the tv and so now i play them on my lappy or switch
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got a nyc bagel from mcd and the first bite it squirted all the sauce out onto my dash like a fucking cumshot
last time i get nakamaslop
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Got pranked by tiktokers today. I'm never going outside again.
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>>596699God said not to eat pigs for a reason.
They're dirty, eat slop, bad for you, and have zoonotic diseases.
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I love ignoring every issue in my life and playing games all day.
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keep binge drinking and vaping and its making things bad keep wanting to stop but never can for too long i look like shit and feel unhealthy the depression is becoming difficult to manage
cant even remember buying a 4pack of 8.6 strong from the store was too cut for too long
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95% of FC2 vids are vanilla and the other 5% is female on male ass licking. Wtf Japan?
>>597090No one:
You: who are you talking to
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open this image in 7zip for a funny webm
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too drunk to care about blogging really pissed that my would be gf is hanging with people that aren't me
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Ran errands today and a lot of norms kept looking at me so every time they did I made sure to look back at them like this
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>>597103Renaming this to .zip and opening it in file-roller on Linux worked
unzip, 7z, and unrar don't work
Naming the file extension to anything else but .zip makes file-roller not work either
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was sitting on a bench at the park yesterday and an asian lady and her grandma sat near me and were talking in japanese and i understood everything they were saying and thought that this might be the first and only time i ever use all the time i wasted learning japanese for something that isnt 2d media and its for accidentally eavesdropping and felt pretty bad.
they werent even talking about anything interesting just how it was hot and the trees were pretty and how it was important for the grandma to drink water.
i guess maybe it wasnt a grandma though since maybe the daughter didnt have kids but she looked to be in her late 40s so i assumed she probably had some
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>>597138"Sou, atsui da ne, baa-chan"
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I don't even like bananas that much I don't know why I keep buying them
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go to spray something with bleach and the spray bottle container leaked and dribbled all over my fingers and now they smell like cum
all the technological marvels in the world and yet still to this day no one can make a spray bottle that isnt a useless leaky dribbly piece of shit
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Just deleted my Github account, had a repo with over 500 stars that was used by thousands of people and was linked in all kinds of tutorials/guides, although not much anymore (was a Proton Linux workaround for video playback). Fuck those glowbuddies trying to force 2FA, they just want mobile phone numbers/data. They let you use TOTP which can technically be worked around without a mobile telephone, but they really don't want you to, and I'm not okay with them forcing that either. I will not comply.
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the programmer
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Just deleted my ota account, had a thread with over 500 replies that was used by thousands of people and was linked in all kinds of posts/boards, although not much anymore (was a love live thread for henri). Fuck those glowbuddies trying to force clear, they just want ip addresses/data. They let you use VPNs which can technically be worked around without a paid plan, but they really don't want you to, and I'm not okay with them forcing that either. I will not comply.
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Unity CEO John Riccitiello is trying to make this meme real by charging game devs per every install.
No.597648 like watching the classics at 1am on a weekday to distract me from that fact i have work in the morning
i know that i shouldn't long for the old days but let me indulge just this once…
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>>597648This was used in a lot of 2000s AMVs, I really liked this one. Song is Huddle Formation No.597654
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blog time over please proceed to posting LLs
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i had zero interest in regloss post the announcement but for whatever reason even though this girl and her voice annoys me i found myself watching her vods and listening to her cover song
i also didn't care for their original song shunkan heartbeat when it first came out but after i gave it a second chance the more i replayed it the more i started to like it
what the heck is wrong with me
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>>597692It really is sad.
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>>597793Browse the site through tor if you're worried. The site uses HTTPS there's no way anyone knows anything about what you viewed but ota's server in Italy.
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>>597794Do I look like someone who knows what tor is?
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>>597897I would expect nothing less from a user of a website called Ota☆ちゃんねる.
>>597901no point in taking anything other than n1 and i'm not taking it until i'm ready
i'll admit i'm still far from being able to take the n1 exam confidently, so if you really are n1; congratulations, well done, and you have my respect
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made some flippin good 'za from scratch today no ordering for me
made three (3)
one ham and pineapple
one olives, capers, spicy beef salami and anchovies
and the last salami, bell pepper, mushroom, olive, onion and capers
definitely za that a japanese would struggle to digest
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I thought I would try bulimia like a teengirl but I couldn't take enough laxative for that to work and vomiting it all out takes too long.
Guess I'll just have to live with the consequences of my actions.
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lately i’ve been manifesting a girl that looks like fauna (with brown hair to keep it realistic) coming into my life, laying my head on her lap and sucking on her breasts while she jerks me off and softly speaks positive affirmations to me
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I made a sad face.
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>>598088that's really cool
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thinking about mexico
it has all sorts of things i like/are interesting
fireworks, exploding hammers, coke'cola, mezcal, mexican beer, cacti, mescaline, magic mushrooms, chilli peppers, tacos, desert, guns, burritos, aztec shit, slutty little brown girls
yeah feel like one could have an interesting time in mexico