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No. 594450

did you know that on average it takes 2 hours for a woman to bleed out of her asshole once every month



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They bleed out their pussies it's cause their eggs die from not being fertilized

t. Anatomy expert


Why don't they just reabsorb them? Women really are a mistake hahaha


The world would be a better place if women were like bees. Once they get stung and give birth to a baby bee, they die. That way men could do what they do best (ruling the world) and women could do what they do best (creating more men to rule the world) and there wouldn't be any need for women to have rights and disrupt the natural order because their purpose in the world would be unmistakably evident and enforced.


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You seem to be mistaken.

Bees have a matriarchal society where there is one queen for several 1000s of bees and only the queen mates.


Alright, then what if instead of having billions of women occupying the earth and picking their own individual mates we just had one really big woman who would get impregnated by every guy and give birth to all of their children. I would be open to that solution too.


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I prefer the idea of being able to receive a miko blessing at any time


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my friend was intimately familiar with idol reproduction wish i had asked more questions now i,ll never know how it works
think it has something to do with their hats



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