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No. 594253
minnesota is a place that exists ([FLCL AMV], pure distilled zoomer core
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FLCL AMV Offspring Self Esteem No.605293
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>>605292Late at night, she knocks on my door
Drunk again and looking to score
Now I know I should say no but
It's kind of hard when she's ready to go
I may be dumb but I'm not a dweeb
I'm just a sucker with no self-esteem
I'm literally going to kill myself if I don't get pussy before turning 30.
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really afraid of ever being in a relationship after seeing what my parents went through
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Alright, I signed up for Bumble again, just a good looking muscular pic and a bio that explains I'm a virgin.
Why do I actually feel like this is going to work? The pic does look good
The problem is I'm having ED for the first time in my life. Imagine that, 5 boners a day now almost not masturbating even once a day. I need to start taking creatine and more cardio or something.
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>almost not masturbating even once a day
the bar was set high
>>621672Yeah that'll work, explain you're a loser on an app with a 1:5 female to male ratio when most of the other guys have solid careers, friends, relationship experience, and of those a large number brutally mog you in appearance as well.
It's over.
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>>621673It's never gonna work if they're not okay with that anyway, you're just filtering them out
I think you should say it in a way that isn't self-deprecating though, find some wording so it's just matter of fact.
I think my "I'm a 29 year old virgin" bio and pic is really gonna work, it's gonna happen, some girl is gonna pity fuck me
I've been praying to God for a girlfriend and then right after that I started DM'ing a lot of kinky girls online and I understand them better now. They want to feel safe even the ones that want to be "raped", I am totally safe and normal.
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I want maximum return for putting in the least amount of effort if you have a problem with that then frig off I think I'm not actually looking to date anyone I just want validation.
>>621673as shitmin said i want to specifically filter out people
and yeah given the gender imbalance i probably don't even have to do that but what's the point of getting together with someone that isn't like you and wouldn't be comfortable with what you really are as a person
i probably never gonna do it anyway because my work sucks the last iota of life out of me and on weekends i just literally rot in my bed all day so might as well skip the next 5-10 years delaying the inevitable and kill myself now
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>>621694>and yeah given the gender imbalance i probably don't even have to do thatAre you saying you're a girl?
*ugandan knuckles click sounds*
My queen, post tits or GTFO
>>621674>They want to feel safeThis clicked for me recently and it's done more than anything else in my life to help me understand women
I just don't know how to apply it and also I just have so many threat markers woven into me
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love hitting it off in minnesota
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First like was a dude
Yeah I have "non-binary" selected but that's for the insane biofems.
>>621722 ~lucky…
if you're going that route you could've fucked dozen of birls that congregated on your site already
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>Yeah I have "non-binary" selected but that's for the insane biofems.sure thing bro
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3 dudes and 1 woman who let the 24 hour timer expire without messaging
Really disgusted with how it took the worst gacha mechanics and applied it to human releationships, absolutely just a totally fucking disgusting design. What a horrifyingly shallow debasement of the human experience I'm participating in that contributes to hoeflation.
I'm gonna let it play out this time, idk what else to do, I need to stick my dick in pussy at all costs, except monetary.
Set my discovery to include men and got 4 likes in 15 minutes.
>>621810It feels like the inside of a warm squid
Girls are heavier in real life than you imagine
Cosmetics are powerful
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>>621896I got a non-binary she/they biofem to match me and she's been accepting of everything I've told her about how I live.
I have quite a way with words you know, I sent her some money (she was talking about Uber prices because she has no car either) and verified my pics, and she's still texting me this morning.
I've been trying to convince her to just come over and fuck, she wanted a date first but I think I'm convincing her otherwise. She said she wants to meet, I'm cute, she wants me to be her boyfriend, etc. I'm trying to explain to her my apathy and lack of motivation and she has been sympathetic.
I don't know, trying not to get my hopes up.
Wish me luck, I may be fucking tattooed 22yo dyke pussy soon.
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She said she's coming over tomorrow to have sex.
She said today and wanted more money for Uber so I sent her another $80 on top of the $100 I already sent yesterday (that wasn't for Uber I sent that without her asking).
Then she cancelled cause Uber was backed up or there wasn't enough time or some shit excuse.
She said tomorrow and seems to be legit and trying to reassure me.
I am either falling for the most elaborate scam in the entire world, she's going to flake, or I'm going to lose my virginity tomorrow.
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>>621953Not today Satan, you were probably the same person trying to get me to fuck bussy.
29 years on this Earth is long enough.
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Good luck I guess. I do pity you because if you'd been born in a more or less homogenous country like any modern european state you'd have lost your virginity by the time you were 18. The whole attitude towards sex there is different. More carefree.
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flippin waste this norm oatman
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cant believe even whatmin is going to turn into a norm soon guess it really is time to quit jp
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>>621960A while ago I talked to oats and we agreed that he'd be given another jan account but with this turn of events that's out of the question.
>>621952lol why the fuck did you send her money without her even asking what happened to
> I need to stick my dick in pussy at all costs, except monetary.anyway i have a super bad feeling about this, getting scammed might end up being a best case scenario for you
and are you just going to fuck while your mom is home or what?
>>621986either unenlightened or a paid hoax perpetuator
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Story time
She met up with me, we both got naked, I felt up her entire body, I couldn't get hard because I literally had 2 hours of sleep and extreme nerves.
She was really nice about it and reassured me we'd try again, she couldn't get wet and was also tired, pinky promise and reassured me.
Her pussy was incredibly small, like I didn't think an adult woman's pussy could look like that. She was covered in tattoos and self-harm scars. She hugged me in a chair while pressing her boobs against my face and asking if I was okay.
>>622070what the fuck whatmin, you didn't even smell her ass
on a more serious note she seems actually nice.. maybe something will come out of it
also this is why you probably should've listened to her and met up for a date first or something and get to know her and become more comfortable around her instead of just skipping to fugging right away
>>622083We did meet outside.
She insisted after changing her mind, and ensured that it might not lead anywhere, I used smooth lines like "I'm fully aware I'm not entitled to anything".
>you didn't even smell her assI got a good whiff of her pussy when I spread it, and it didn't turn me on tbh. I am completely drained of all energy and I think my prostate is inflamed or something. What a curse, what a sad joke, I was so hypersexual and horny just a few years ago.
>maybe something will come out of itPaying $80 Uber fares is not sustainable, I don't know how it's gonna go down then.
>>622086yeah it's really surprising someone like you couldn't get it up, i remember you blogging about constantly jacking off and getting horny just from the thought of smelling a girl
i guess time really takes its toll, i'm the same age as you are sigh and i think i'm starting to notice changes in my morning wood intensity as well which is like the first indicator of things going to shit down there
>Paying $80 Uber fares is not sustainable, I don't know how it's gonna go down then.well what better time than to get a job, get a driving licenses, buy a car and become a functional member of society and start living the american dream than now?
… or maybe just use public transit? i know that's kind of a meme in america but surely there are some bus lines running between you and her
>>622099I managed to maintain an erection long enough to lose my virg thanks to cialis and thought exercises but never once did I actually enjoy any of it. Being able to touch them was nice though.
I don't regret it, I no longer care about women or any of that, it kind of makes me sad that I'll never get to experience having a wife or child but I'm more comfortable with the thought of suicide now since there is no fomo. Before it would make me sad and panicky to think about.
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girls cant be wizards
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She texted me "I miss u" like 20 minutes after leaving and she's making up weird lies to get me to send money like she cut her hand it's bleeding and she needs an Uber to go to the hospital (for stitches), then she wants more money to see me again on Saturday but wants it now
I've very softly tried to call out this bullshit, told her I would send her the money on Saturday, and then she just talks about how she has trust/anxiety issues, and is going to have anxiety until Saturday, and that the money would genuinely be used to see me.
Why do I believe the latter is the truth? I genuinely don't think this girl wants to scam me out of money and just has mental issues (numerous self-harm scars all over her body). Maybe the first about the cut was a shit test to see how stupidly and leniently I'd send money for lies though, gonna check her hands for the supposed cut on Saturday.
Btw I think I was poisoned by bad seaweed from a lot of sushi. It has coincided with this severe insomnia, weird pulses, shitting red blood, constipation (I've never experienced this), urination problems, and of course ED.
Now that I drank a bunch of grape juice and cheerios and shit some of these demons out I feel a lot better.
Just a theory, this all started two days ago and the sushi was the only thing
If I'm back to normal on Saturday I don't think I'll physically be able to fuck her pussy anyway, it is so tiny and like sealed shut, and wasn't wet at all
This is all very surreal for me, can someone tell me wtf is going on
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Thanks again for paying for my uber, whatmin… I promise I'll make up for it by giving you a night you'll never forget.
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Do you ever let out some gas but instead of dissipating in the air it just stays there and you're forced to smell it? Hate when it happens.
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> I couldn't get hard because…
… you probably are not physically attracted to her. you may not believe me but that's how it works and that's totally ok. also from your post i can conclude that you act toward her like a DESPERATE INFANTILE SEXIST 'CEL so i wouldn't be surprised if she'd just wring you out of money and dump because that's what you deserve honestly.
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Don't look in my eyes, you may be surprised
To find I have answers to your questions why
As I have no feelings or thoughts of my own
But I know that you want to try
It's all right, I'm just a girl, she said
Talk down to me and take me to bed
I don't feel, I don't think
And I don't really matter at all
>>622120henri told me you're supposed to play around with your fingers in their vaginas and it makes them wet and then they'll tell you to put it in
you can buy lubrications at the store if you're still too ugly to make them become aroused