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I hope you are using a password with mixed case letters/numbers/symbols and at least 13 characters long.
Also hope your password isn't used for any online account, or anything on your phone, glown1ggers will ask Google your account password you know.
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>>592780It was to bring you to the edge of reason.
And once you cross over you need to burn down the bridge behind you.
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surely you keep your main system veracrypt'd already
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>>592792>>592787You should be using Linux with LUKS, but Veracrypt is the second best option for Windows users.
>if there are any disadvantages…Disk encryption has a performance impact, depending on how strong the cipher/hash method you use. It's mostly irrelevant though, especially on SSDs.
Obviously it's worth it if you need disk encryption, and I'd argue nearly everyone does.
>>592846use a sentence and number you cant forget like
"he was our friend the himarats made him leave his wife was umi and her birthday was march 15th"
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I'm gonna forget this shit in a week and be locked out forever
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>>592942I judge operating systems based on how easy it is to make a package.
Check out this shit FreeBSD has for rtorrent to an Arch PKGBUILD PKGBUILDs are so easy to understand, edit, and create that average people can make them themselves. It's really quite unique in this regard.
FreeBSD certainly isn't the worst though, making a .deb or .rpm package is much worse.