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theres still the children-gf-sex dream
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Now that's a cunt.
Warning: Gays don't click
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No it's a vicious lie here's the real deal
>>592240too risky, not just the illegal part, but then what if she DOESN'T learn to love? At best she makes it obvious and then you have either a perpetual mouth to feed and hide in your basement, or you have to kill her. At worst she doesn't make it obvious, you drop your guard and end up in jail or with your おちんちん cut off one day. Or both.
Maybe I'm overthinking it and its as easy as the eroge make it seem though.
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Oh you're finally home!
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She likes to shake her ass, she grinds it to the beat
She likes to pull my hair when I make her grind her teeth
I like to strip her down, she's naughty to the end
You know what she is
No doubt about it she's a bad, bad girlfriend
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>>592329Ace detective? More like stupid faggot little cocksucker
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Bumping this thread out of the ota-zone.
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jo ed so much that my dick hurts and is raw