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speak for yourself i'm busy enjoying all the new shows and rewatching my favorites without discussing them online because im an asocial schizidiot creepo
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I spend time gaming it's just a better medium than watching shows or movies.
>>591560>>591604I've become more content just jacking off to porn.
Consider that no man before us had access to internet pornography and smut writing. You can look at whatever you want whenever you want it, it makes up a lot for the lack of real sex. Of course indulging in your greatest fantasies in real life would be amazing, but the large majority of men never even get to do that.
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Do you ever feel like you are in love except nobody loves you and there is nobody for you to love? True loneliness is not something that can be solved by porn rather on contrary it completely defeats your libido.
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This is my girlfriend, Ashbie
>>591622This seems less like autism and more like severe depression or something
Of course everything can be celebrated or fetishized when it afflicts a foid but if a man is inflicted with the same issue he's usually doomed especially in the case of autism
>>591619sex would have saved me if it happened in highschool when it was supposed to
of course it's too late now, but there was a time…
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sometimes wonder how my life would have turned out had i not been cursed with the tism