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not allowed to have sex because women decided my quiet sperg personality was NOT sexually attractive
>>590276Nah you're just ugly
I'm a loser quiet sperg and even I eventually had pussy offers after falling for enough lookism memes
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>>590280he fell for the sex meme
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imagine if this happened every day do you think it would affect your sexual development?
>big titsaka fat
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all events can be sexual if you choose to make them so
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>>590564Are you German or Netherlandian?
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>>590630I normally don't like blowjob vids but this girl was really cute and had a weird way of doing it
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thinking about all the attractive women I am never going to date
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going on a date with chad later
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the NTR spot is vacant
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>Mate-searching females commonly visit multiple bowers, often returning to preferred bowers several times, and watching males' elaborate courtship displays and inspecting the quality of the bower. Through this process the female reduces the set of potential mates. Many females end up selecting the same male, and many under-performing males are left without copulations.
>>590842They can learn to make better bowers and sexier dances.
Humans have the worst mating strategy in which it is entirely out of your control, you're either born looking a certain way or you die cel.
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boidcreeps are always thinking about rape q.e.d
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Wish I was a dumb norm and could just do normshite all day long and then die.
This difficulty is too hard.
>>591095It's NOT that hard!
What are you? Retarded or something?
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Today's sex rating. Hair on pussy: 0. Tightness: 5/10. Movement: 4/10. Disposition: 7/10. Appearance: 6/10. Finished inside after 34 minutes.
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Also it explains why Jesus never claimed to have had sex. The norms claim that sex is a ordinary, good, and real thing, as normal as eating food and breathing air. Jesus was a pretty ordinary man in all other respects, he ate, he breathed air, he had a ordinary profession, yet out of the list of things, he never did something as ordinary and real as sex? Why is that?
It is strange, but it makes sense if you think about the fact that Jesus also did not lie. For Jesus to have "had sex" would be for him to lie, and therefore that is why it is missing from his list of ordinary human things he did.
But why does the sex lie exist in the first place? Why would the devil create such a thing? Why would the norms side with the devil?
This too is explained by Jesus's words. Norms are by their very nature low inhib, they are arrogant and anything but meek. But Jesus said "Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth". Therefore, high inhibs are blessed and are promised the Earth. In order to take the Earth from high inhibs, Satan created a temptation, a lie of the promise of ultimate pleasure, pleasure that everyone else is experiencing except for you.
And they claim all they have to do in order to achieve it is become low inhib and thus give up your blessing and inheritance. And it works too, many low inhibis fall for it, abandon their meekness and go out and pretend to be high inhib and ask lots of girls out and stuff (obviously to no avail or success, but the damage is already done). They obviously don't get any sex for their trouble, but because they have now given into temptation, they lose their blessing. Left with nothing, barred from the ranks of the blessed, now their only choice is to side with the norms and satan, and perpetuate the sex lie themselves so that they may drag more low inhibs down with them in the hopes that there is not a single blessed soul left to collect on the inheritance.
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One simply needs to admire the female beauty. It has nothing to do with sexual arousal.
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can one of our resident foids just put out already
but me first im NOT having sloppy seconds
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Today's sex rating. Hair: 0. Tightness: 4/10. Movement: 6/10. Disposition: 8/10. Appearance: 7/10. Communication: 4/10. Finished inside after 23 minutes.
>>593411You aren't actually doing that are you
I had some zoomer start blabbing about wanting to get his "body count" up to me but he couldn't give a proper answer when I asked why
Why even bother
What is the point of spending all that time and energy just to be disgusting
>>593418oog me flip me feel good
oog me flip me feel good
oog me flip me feel good
Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka Ooga Booga Ooga Chaka
OOog Oooooh OOG
>>593448oog me flip me feel good
me spray cum everywhere
me swing me penis around OOog
me pull penis HARD OOog Oog
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>>593462I actually have a perfect video for you. were humans (even atheists admit this now, after over 100 years of claiming they were duh missing link)
Various other claimed human ancestors are just extinct species of ape, period. There's been various widely accepted "scientific" beliefs regarding this that have been debunked.
>>593502yes thats the right instinct
>>593503you would have been eaten by bears you should bless modern society for keeping you alive
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>>593503I think it's this way because I have already reached genetic perfection and my body has realized there is no further reason to procreate
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Just made a 15 year old boy cum for me over the interbutts I love the modern age.
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I had a sex dream last night where I flipped milk
I know you'll never see this Amanda but please allow me to formally apologize regardless
women are unironic chakra vampires that need human semen (soul energy) to survive, diagram of uterus is the image of apostelic baphomet, look it up, complete with horns and all
when you have sex, part of your soul is being lost on ejaculation, think about it, you cum inside and the cum never comes out, soon enough it is absorbed by the vagina (baphomet devouring soul fragments), but how? It has no mouths, yet it happens. Semen is the vagina's (aposthelic baphomet) preffered nakamaslop, without semen women (demonkind) dies of starvation, which is why women seek sex and always want you to cum inside for an 'unexplainable reason', part of the reason this happens is based on the fact there is no superior entity for them to rely on once their interior energy is depleted, think of it like a really big tank with only one mouth on it that slowly leaks out. They replenish their inner energy by absorbing it from men, because ultimately they have no souls which they can rely on to produce this energy themselves. If they do not get enough energy, they bleed. just look it up, pregnant women (women that have been cummed in and had their energy needs temporarily sated) do not have periods at all, nothing, blood simply does not come out. Yet a woman that does not have this 'suddenly' bleeds and feels ill for several days in a row with pain and weakness and bleeding. Normal?
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wonder if sex is real on mindota
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>>593814bet boids don't even have 10 fingers
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the soft inviting genitals of a girl
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another whole week without a bath thanks to Gillette® Clear + Dri-Tech™ COOL WAVE Anti-Perspirant
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Today's sex rating. Hair: trimmed short about 5 mm. Tightness: 6/10. Movement: 7/10. Disposition: 10/10. Appearance: 9/10. Communication: 8/10. Finished in girl's mouth after about 1 hour.
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Today's sex rating. Hair: roughly shaven. Tightness: 1/10, loose as a goose. Movement: 4/10, mainly just squirmed about as much as possible give she was tied to a frame. Disposition: 3/10, she seemed to want it, i'd rather she didnt. Appearance: 6/10, standard issue white foid. Communication: 2/10, bitch would not shut up and had to be gagged. Finished in girl's mouth after about 2 hours of whipping, clit torture, tit binding, fisting, pumping and anal.
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it's not rocket science people do it every day
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Ara ara but I'm just an old lady
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>>593941look pull your pants down and you'll find a dick that alone already proves that half of sex is real now women have a hole in the area where there should be dick find a girl who's willing to combine her hole with your dick and there you have it 100% sex it's that easy
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We have to keep predators like this away from our boys, do something Japan
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even God himself commanded that we must shag creationistmin help me out here
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Sex is real I've seen it on them FC2 videos
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hate these vile brashfoids making fun of dignified cels
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Too autistic to want a massage
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intoxication leads to intercourse 8 times out of 10
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>>594078you are probably one of them selfish pussysluts that doesn't want to get sexed by the common otaboy
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>>594118so cute i want a girl to sniff me
do you think otalass ever sniffed and sucked
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Bocchi the desktop
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No, my friend returns every Christmas for a miracle.
>>594141no he doesn't
he never has
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lycoreco was a very henri show think of all the great posts he could have made
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For better or worse these brainpills have rendered me borderline impotent
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girls and sex
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thinking about sex
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im a creep
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>>594976Prepare to be disappointed.
Onaholes literally feel worse than your hand made of flesh, and they're messy.
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as every sex must cum to an orgasm this thread will soon come to an end
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Would there be more or less rapes if women were forced to walk around outside bottomless with their hole exposed?
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i brought him over for two months while i acted like a shota getting the crayons fucked out of their pockets