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No. 590117

I think sexual intercourse is a hoax


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seiheki master

I really like this artist on exhentai/nhentai

Really gives me that no way fag eww cooties feeling as I get smothered by mom-types with their big tits and fat and breath and smells


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illustrations havent been able to arouse me for over 15 years now
often dont even look at porn given i cannot conceptually relate to it


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a pussy goodbye


Of course it is it only exists to find people dumb enough to put their pee organs inside one another


actually yeah who the heck would fall for putting the thing you pee out of into the place someone else pees or poops out of, thats so gross

what next people chewing peoples toenails to make babys


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you guys are all sore & salty losers


Never understood this line of thinking of course people would be upset if they've been wronged not like you would go without and have a big smile on your face like a cuckold doofus


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girls are not fictional creatures they are real and most have nice bodies it's not my fault you couldn't approach one and ask her out


mom bought me pokemon cards but they just lost ninety percent of their value sorry mom


remember just drawing my own pokemon cards because parents wouldnt buy them for me because they were violent


girls in my world are kind of like the ghosts in mieruko chan are you see them everywhere going about their business but you arent allowed to look at or interact with them lest they react negatively so just pretend they dont exist
anime girls are more real to me since theyre emotionally tangible


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love anime girls and their special relationships with other anime girls


okay that may be true and all but I don't believe that they or anyone else have had sex. They are just trying to trick and gaslight me into thinking sex is real. I don't know where they get the technology to make such realistic videos, or why they are doing this in the first place. The frustration from me thinking sex is real despite it not really being real must be fueling something for someone powerful somewhere. And there must be a way that they make the norms go along with this elaborate hoax just to torment me and a few select others. Maybe everyone else is getting paid to pretend sex is real?


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I am ashamed it took me this long to realize this. To be fair I have been thinking it for a few years now, but it's so obvious. I have never seen sex happen in real life with my own eyes. So obviously it must not exist. But I was so thoroughly brainwashed and tricked by lies that I didn't even question it. In all fairness it is a very elaborate and well planned hoax. If I were someone else I might have never even begun to see through the deception.


i think its just like santa where they do it to make fun of tards and children


also it explains why everyone thinks virgins are so disgusting, its like if you met a 30 year old who still believed in the easter bunny or santa


My mind is being blown


wish i was in on the ruse would be great to get paid to trick schizos into thinking copulation is real


if sex isn't real what are pussies for genius



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that's a different hole


dont think pussies are real either ive literally never seen one


how do you get through all of high school without seeing a single pussy? even a socially awkward loser like me got laid a few times without even trying


think its something to do with blood, dont get why nature would evolve a hole just for bleeding out of but here we are


went to an all male high school never even got to interact with foids


thats because youre a norm


now that the wool over my eyes has been removed i cant help but rage whenever i see someone perpetuating the sex myth


i don't like this meme at all


me neither cant believe the norms memed on us so hard spent my whole life thinking i was born because mom and dad had intercourse


earn that pay


convinced that its just a massive inside joke at tards and they just do it for free


women despise me because i dont look like the 6 foot 5 guys on their social media followings


henri despised me because i was creepy and clingy and weird and thats why he left


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it was time to grow up


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crying for yui


maybe they died


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Well yes that would be women's fault


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you should look in the mirror because you need some REFLECTION!@@@!


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smother her with your overconfidence it's the equivalent of crushing someone with a concrete slab


I'm too high IQ to have baseless confidence but not high IQ enough to improve to the point I'm allowed to be confident



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