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I had a 100% real 14 year old boy flirt with me a week ago and I can't stop thinking about it - this is so evil but it felt so great I might go mad at this rate with the mixed thoughts and feelings.
He's a really cute half Japanese half Caucasian type and I can't wait to talk too him again but I shouldn't.
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Last night was told again by a stranger that I look like a anime
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he loved ums
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>>589394Femboy related Steam Groups and Discord servers - so many young lonely boys just sitting in front of their PCs not monitored at all and curious about things.
Though at first I didn't know he was underage he only confessed because he was sad about lying and proved it by showing me his uh school report card.
He told me he wanted to do lewd things with older guys because they would have more experience and that older guys show love better and also girls kept acting cold towards him and bully him for being half Asian. He seems to really enjoy white femboys a lot.
He also says the game Dead by Daylight 3 is popular with young boys right now, I'm still learning from him right now and as of now he's been working hard in school! I hope he's online again soon.
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"UNIX is simple and coherent…" - Dennis Ritchie, "GNU's Not UNIX" - Richard Stallman
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She said the line
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>>589396I thought so too at first until I slipped down the rabbit hole - if you look hard enough you could even find kids exchanging nudes freely on Twitter now, we have entered an age where kids as young as 12 years old have a mini PC in their pocket with norm parents too dumb to understand the dangers.
>>589399Everything written here are artistic works of friction.
>>589400The heck? Am I being tracked or do I have an unmistakable candice? This is the 4th post I've made here in almost five years now.
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>>589486Oh, well I'm good as gone again now for another 4-5 years - this place is stinky and gross still after all this time…sad!
>wwwwThis triggered a deep memory I can't fully recall like I should recognize it.
>>589503Spam-kun you're not doing it right you're suppose to at least make some kind of game out of spamming and also give days worth breaks in between. You're creatively bankrupt and trite! The goal is to jolt life when the board is dying not drive an already dying board to further death. ༼ ✿◕ᗜ◕ ༽┌∩┐
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>>589535raggedy man, think you got a big dick? Go try sticking it in a garden hose and come back I'll give your sores kisses.
>>589536Yeah I still got the pictures but I moved on to meido outfits now.
>>589537Check out this punk, lease give me some shit to work with. Cause I'm all it now, kid.
Suck my dick, like your daddy did okay? Nappy hairy chest looking like Austin Powers.
>>589531>Oh, well I'm good as gone again now for another 4-5 years - this place is stinky and gross still after all this time…sad!i understand, ota stopped being fun a long time ago but i still browse it out of force of habit
>This triggered a deep memory I can't fully recall like I should recognize it.probably because an old whatfren really liked to do it, at least that's what i associate it with the most
i miss old /what/
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>>589541>still browse it out of force of habitMany such cases…
>i miss old /what/I sadly and hardly even remember it at this point now but I can faintly recall 1gooey, gropy and whatnot posts but that's it…
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limbs hurt, head pain, sore throat
maybe im coming down with something
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got the 'vid
managed to escape for 3 years…
feel awful tbh
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14,332 views Jan 13, 2009
This is a Sailor Moon AMV dedicated to my amazing mother. I love you so much mommy!
The song is "In My Arms" remix by Plumb, and of course the anime is sailor moon. This is a video about Rini and Usagi, and their relationship as mother and daughter. Even though they always don't act mature, it shows how much Rini really does love her daughter, enough to put her life on the line for Rini. This took me forever to make, so please comment, rate, subscribe, and enjoy!! :)
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>>589830There's nothing sexual about it creep, I just like old AMVs no Shana (oldfag anime) AMV with a good song
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it's important to keep your file size under 300kb ota is not running on the latest i9
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This made me so sad why must they deny us this pure love? No.589872
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Games looks good even on mostly medium/low settings
Just love this basic long sword and kite shield combo with the default square off ash of war, such a varied and balanced moveset, a bow and consumables make up for lack of magic.
I even upgraded the shield for the crystal guys only vulnerable to strike damage so I can just hit them with it
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would rather rewatch a good old anime than watch a shitty new one same with games
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Without the shielding technology like the kind we see in Star Trek space travel will never be possible. None of our conventional methods can stop neutron radiation. What we need is miniature magnetic field generators that will consume vast amounts of energy that we can't currently provide. You need to chip in and stop playing video games and watching anime. Contribute to science.
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Ever since my post ascension arc began I've had bizarre thoughts or rather the thoughts I had before became louder do you think God is speaking to me watermin
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season's so barren im watching do it yua serufu again
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>>590061purins exclusive onahole
God I really wish I was born a male. You guys seem to have it so EASY. I have to wake up in the morning, do my hair, do my make up, dress modestly, make sure I look really professional, but somehow I am still shit on. All I am worth is my vagina and uterus. I know in the end guys only want me for one thing. Girls are expected to be kind, graceful, forgiving, nurturing. And if were not we are not valued. Guys on the other hand are noticed for their hard work, their commitment to family, and can defend and protect themselves. They can provide themselves and still be okay. Why wasnt I born male???
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wish i was a girl so i could wear frilly clothes and kiss girls
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>>590109first of all im a teen and second of all that doesn't match my experiences
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Died like 50 times to Melania, had to get naked for the light roll and extra damage from blue dancer charm
Just used square off, beat her fair and square no summons. I realized the only hard part of this fight is RNG, if she does waterfowl next to you you're just dead, you have to guess when she's going to do waterfowl and just stay back until she does which is bad game design
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is henri coming back to review this idol piece?
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ota has its slow periods and its slow periods this one in particular is exceptionally slow
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deep cleaned the bathroom now theres a personal expectation to keep it clean but i can never be bothered so then i get to feel bad as it inevitably becomes grimy again and the whole retarded cycle repeats
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I got my new young cutie BF to finger his butt for the 2nd time for me on cam while I gave him butte pictures - he's very new to this but I've taught him well! He's getting sad and worried that his dick wont grow any bigger so I told him it's fine and he's a growing boy and I wont judge him even if his dick stays small like it is now, then he got scared that I would go away after he grows up…so cute I wont leave even if he's going to be 15 later.
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>>590213I know but he's like a drug I can't quit and he always knows just what to say too make me stay around even if it's wrong.
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crying got shampoo in my eyes
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try this
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bought more loose leaf
decided to go with non black tea this time
ordered some hojicha, some assam green, some chinese silver needle and some loose rooibos
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>>590326drugs are bad for you
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>>590326My oolong tea from Fujian China has a prop 65 warning on it for heavy metals
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They actually destroyed the biolab with hundreds of deadly pathogens. And that stuff is not like coronavirus deadly. This is the real deal.
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embarrassed myself in front of hundreds of people again
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You know what's stupid about Elden Ring is FTH is stronger for pure melee than STR/DEX.
Could go 80 STR/DEX on a quality infusion and have less AR than 80 FTH on flame art infusion.
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i just called a colleague to ask something and i didn't realize just how much of a sperg i sound like on the phone there wasn't any small just straight to business but it turned out i lack even the most basic communication skills i want to die
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Yes Lake of Rot is my favorite area how could you tell?
>>590486>there wasn't any small just straight to businessi do this
is it really spergish behaviour?
this is concerning
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>>590272Our relationship is a healthy form of pederasty. He's so nice, non judgemental and uncorrupted with bitterness I could never leave him and I've been helping him keep his school grades up with praise and cummies.
>>590283He'll be legal in only two years where I live so the time will come.
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"Broad without a bust is like a board without a chest"
~ Anonymous 765 pro employee
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the tea has arrived
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>>590524He's been gone 8 days, I think that's a new record, maybe something happened.>>590526The third OP/ED was the best, although the second ED (Honey) may be better.
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Honey > Groovy >>> Fruits Candy
Catch You Catch Me = Tobira wo Akete > Platinum
Not popular opinion but that's what I think.
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I've been meaning to try purikone for about 4 years now but since the game is actually dead now I guess I'm too late. What other gachas do the asian kids play these days?
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The 1995-2005 decline in teen suicide rates was driven almost entirely by boys. What happened?
Was the vidya and old internet before smartphones and social media really that good?
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groan who cares how about discussing some 1990s animes instead
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on ota we love science
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>>590669only research i like is idol research clubs
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the good old days
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you updated the domain but you won't log in
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got something you can log into right here
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as an experiment i removed the cover of an old 320gb seagate hdd to see if it would still operate
i remember being told that if even a single bit of dust gets in there it is fucked but it seems to be working ok
it wont if the cover is left off as i think the airflow from the platters disrupts the location of the head but if just placed loosely on top it does work
i did this because there is an old scsi disc in an old computer i have that has the click of death but i think the platter is just stuck and if turned manually to free would work again
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My girlfriend covers Everlong - Foo Fighters videos are kinda hit or miss, I like her Intestate Love Song cover too. Probably just songs that lend themselves better to solo guitar and easier to sing, doesn't help that she's recording on a potato.
She has an Irish flag but I'm not sure if she's actually from Ireland, she does have that black hair Irish phenotype though.
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did you know that whatmin was entirely raised by women
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mom i can explain
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you know im not really digging the white teas and green teas will go back to some nice strong assams and ceylon loose leaf
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>>591778It seems par for the course to me, I am 99% sure it's the same otamin.
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found some birdies at the park
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>It was like she was looking at walking garbage.
Would have preferred if this anime played it straight and she actually was stringing him along and was actually dating some model. Instead its just more boring otaku wish fulfillment crap.