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No. 587952
Small Asian woman feeds a wild elephant.
You can feel a powerful sense of understanding from the elephant, who changes gait out of consideration for her body language showing fear, so as to seem less intimidating. No.587957
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We had elephants in North America too, they were just called mastodons.
Would have loved to see behemoths (sauropods), it's possible these animals went extinct just within the past couple thousands of years. There's animals that science claimed went extinct millions of years ago until we found them still alive and unchanged, guess they were wrong huh?
Here is a ~900 year old stegosaur carving at a temple in Cambodia. This is undeniably a stegosaur, it's alongside other regular animal carvings, they were living with stegosaur ~900 years ago. No.587972
>>587968i'm running the 8.3 version and mouse wheel works in another game
i thought you'd know given you've wasted your entire life on this shit but i guess not
thanks for nothing, shitmin
>>587969Sorry I just have to shill Zowie mice, there's no drivers/software, the DPI/polling rate/liftoff is configurable by physical buttons on the mouse, while also having top-tier sensors/quality.
There's nothing to go wrong, there's no compatibility issues on any OS, you could plug it into Windows95.
>>587972Maybe it's a problem with the game?
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Daisy's hot here, me on the left.
>>587975it works properly on windows
you're worse than useless
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Finished all of Soul Hackers 2 on very hard
Ended up liking this game way more than I thought I would, last thing to do was beating the optional superboss and I felt a bit sad knowing there was nothing left to do.
The battle and boss mechanics are the best in the series, the bosses in SMT V or Persona 5 don't have the same strategy required, the stack system is better than press turn/1 more.
>>588231You're saying that
>>588217 AND
>>588217 share the same IP??? That's unthinkable…..
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Small Asian woman feeds a pet pussy.