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I do boot up some retro games now and then.
Wouldn't say I love the 90s though, I used to have nostalgia for it but not anymore. It was humanity's twilight before the internet revolution.
It will no doubt be looked back on like the industrial revolution and renaissance. A major turning point for humanity, a paradigm shift, a change in the collective conscious.
Were some things better? Absolutely, but I wouldn't want to be the same age I am now stuck in the 90s. I think people in the 90s could sense they were on the brink of a major change, and that's why you had media trying overly hard to be "futuristic" and "experimental", like The Matrix and Lain.
Unfortunately their imaginations haven't come to fruition. The US government trying to ban Tiktok shows that even the US will stoop to the level of authoritarian countries who ban websites and apps, we have become the China banning Google.
They come and eat a slice of the pie, okay it's just one slice, and one day you wake up and the pie is gone.
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We love Henri and BB's BBoobs here.
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>>588386Why are you so asshurt?
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