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90% chance you're not autistic, you're just a weirdo. Unless
>>589410actually IS OP and not a troll.
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if you're a virgem over the age of 18 who spends their free time watching anime and posting on imageboards then quite frankly you're obviously autsitic q.e.d.
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>>589429>q.e.d.*Tippus fedoram*
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If you are diagnosed with autism but still manage to have sex then you have done what should be impossible keep in mind 20% of the spergs in this study were gay or bisexual and they didn't specify if the sex was hetero or homo No.589438
>>589431hoooly shit
norms hardly even desire sex. I hate them i hate them i hate them so much, they deserve no sympathy, they have so much more than they even want and still think they have the right to feel negative feelings
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