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No. 586892

Giving up 4chan for Lent, ota is okay though


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Lent is not mentioned in the Bible and has pagan origins.


go back 4teen


rosalina the rock


I will not give into your temptations satan


How are you so sure that your religion is correct and all of the other ones are wrong?


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The overwhelming majority of the world's religious people believe in the same God.

Christians, Muslims, friends, and every offshoot like Mormons, all believe in the same God.

This leaves various pagan religions, the largest of which by far are Buddhism and Hinduism, and almost no one unironically believes in the Hindu pantheon or various other pagan shit, even though they might follow all the cultural rules and observances.

If we look at the creation account in Genesis, no other religion even comes close. "Maya corn God and his dwarves made the world" Vs. Genesis

This can be extended to entire Bible, every other religion is shallow like a puddle compared to the ocean that is YHWH and Christ. It is so clearly divinely inspired.

Futhermore there is large amounts of archeological, scientific, and historical evidence of the accounts in the Bible.

Did you know friends skip over Isaiah 53 because it's so clearly about Christ? https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Isaiah%2053&version=NASB


nice gaia spacing


bocchi the rock or whatmin sucks c*ck


wonder how blown whatmin's mind would be if he knew judaism itself has "pagan" origins given that yahweh was just one of the many gods in the canaanite pantheon and that judaism as we know it evolved and was codified over a span of hundreds of years while taking huge influences from "pagan" babylonian religions and didn't just pop into someone's mind on its own like he thinks


ah, I failed
will God forgive me?


used to get accused by the teen having Gaia spacing even though i didnt use Gaia and learned about it from the 4 to begin with


go back 4teen


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Gaia spacing was a meme invented to out newfags trying too hard to fit in.


phew glad the Internet Historians are here to defend their best bro whatmin from these false accusations


sigh wonder what the terrible and unfunny April fools joke is this year


when you post there's a chance you will get a randomly generated name and a gpt signature on your post really disappointing

I like mal's joke they added cute meow meow cats to anime and manga covers


It's over tomorrow thank God, couldn't come at a better with the state ota turned into

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