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it feels not good
literally dont have any hobbies
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If you have to convince yourself that it is not too late… I have some bad news for you.
>>585633It's far too late.
You don't have the relationship or sexual experience required because when you were supposed to be learning how to be a functional adult you were goofing off on the internet.
Even if by some miracle you managed to fake it the only girls remaining in your available pool will be old busted single mothers or filipino gold diggers
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>>585639Yeah… Sooner or later…
After you're in your mid 30s and the girls have all had their fun being railed by 17 Chads a month.
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I just don't care.
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>>585651How do you get them to make sexy chat? They all seem to be filtered and just avoid it.
When will I be able to talk to an unfiltered AI sex chat bot as smart as ChatGPT?
I thought they were supposed to be "open" but I've heard that's a complete lie. Maybe "OpenAI" shouldn't be calling themselves open.
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Starting to consider the possibility that my $11,400 facial investment wasn't enough to have the cel designation removed.
Should have known that it wouldn't be so easy to p2w this game you probably don't unlock the gf feature until you're $40k in and frankly it's probably not even worth it.
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>>585660to be honest, I think if you already gymmaxed that much from that picture I saw of you if it wasn't fake, and you're still cel then no minor adjustment to your face was ever gonna tip the scales in your favor. And your face didn't even look that bad from the lower half I was able to see.
You are probably just mentalcel sorry to say. Or maybe too facially ugly for anything to save you besides a full six million dollar man reconstruction. I dunno. Sorry to hear it didn't work out though.
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>>585741I just need like two more surgeries
This one came out well but all it did was set me back to 0 it didn't give me the positive boost I need.
I look cuter and more open but these days if you aren't a full on Chad you might as well not even look at females.
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it was over before it even began
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Used to think I didn't care about that sort of thing
Then I thought I actually did care but was just scared
Then I went back to thinking I was only getting scared because everyone else was doing it and I felt like I was missing out on something I didn't want anyways
Then I thought it doesn't matter what I think because I can't get it anyway
But then I started thinking what if I did want it but only tried to fool myself into thinking I didn't because I am scared