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No. 584035

this is pretty much coming from social anxiety. but i've been thinking about how people perceive me, as always, and i always struggle to trust my own judgment. this happens a lot personality-wise (some people say im weird, some people say im reserved, some think im shy, some think im cool, etc.) but i mean it regarding to appearance.
not everyone has the same standards but there are some conventional traits that ppl take into consideration when judging how u look. my question would be how can you determine whether you're good looking or not? bc i hear that im good looking and at the same time, a lot of people stare at me too much or in a weird manner. sometimes people who are more conventionally attractive avoid including me in conversation. basically im receiving mixed signals about my appearance and i really wonder what would be external signs that you're attractive and signs you're not.


File: 1674085610261.jpg (207.46 KB, 1280x905, FDEAlA6XEAE8JIF.jpg)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


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